“And where do you head to, Phillipa?” her father asked, lowering the newssheet. “Is it an outing with Harriet or Agatha?”

Pippa flushed and delicately cleared her throat. “Lord Trent has invited me to a ride in Hyde Park where we will then watch the balloon ascent. I cannot imagine why he invited me but I…”

Her mother and father shared a quick, delighted glance.

Pippa did not like their excitement, knowing it would result in heavy disappointment. “I acted in haste by consenting without asking you, mama. If you have need of—”

“Of course, you must go!” her mother said beaming. “Ensure you take Sally with you.”

“The marquess plans to drive in an open landau, mama. I daresay there should be no need for strict chaperonage.”

“Very well,” her mother said with another small smile, yet her eyes glinted with that matchmaking light. Pippa made a good breakfast, ate at her leisure, and then quickly went up to her bedchamber and changed for her outing, remembering to carry her parasol as it was proving to be a warm day. She chose her gown carefully, picking a sprigged muslin in pale lemon, and a straw bonnet with matching lemon ribbons. A little before half past ten she was downstairs waiting and fretfully resisting the desire to vulgarly stare out the window in anticipation of William’s arrival.

The door knocker sounded at exactly half past the hour. Pippa waited in the drawing room for the family butler to enter and inform her that Lord Trent was waiting to escort her.

“Thank you, Dobson, I will be right out. Could you please inform mother that I have departed with Lord Trent for the balloon ascent in Hyde Park?”

Pippa picked up her reticule and parasol and, holding them almost like a shield, Pippa made her way from the drawing room. William stood waiting in the hall, holding his hat in his hand, peering up at a painting. His handsome visage fairly stole Pippa’s breath and sent her heart into a swift beat. He was dressed in a beautiful, dark blue coat in Bath superfine which clung to his shoulders as if it desired to be close to him as much as Pippa did herself.

As if he sensed her, he looked toward her, something tender and possessive leaping into his gaze. Her steps faltered before she straightened her spine and continued onward.Why do you look at me so, William?She silently cried, aching to rush into his arms and just be held.

“My lord,” Pippa said in greeting.

She politely dipped into a curtsy and, though he arched a brow at her politeness, he bowed. “Lady Phillipa, thank you for honoring me with your presence.”

This civility between them after such wanton impropriety almost brought a smile to her lips. She felt as if they were on a stage of sorts, except she did not understand what audience they playacted for. Pippa took William’s arm as he led her to his landau, the roof already folded down, and helped her inside. It was a beautiful equipage pulled by a team of magnificent bays. Soon they were on the way. She sat facing him, aware of the few curious stares they received from people they drove past. Pippa cleared her throat and when his gaze landed on her, his intensity felt like a blow. “Thank you for the bouquet. They were beautiful flowers.”

“I am pleased you enjoyed them.”

Flustered with how he looked at her, she made a concentrated effort to look about as they rumbled toward the park, weaving their way through the city streets. Pippa noticed that there was a lot of traffic and that most of it seemed to be heading for Hyde Park. Reaching Hyde Park although it was before the hour of eleven, they found many carriages already parked and full of people eager to see the balloon ascend. The driver continued forward despite there being several rows of carriages already before them. However, a carriage pulled out of one space in the first row and William jumped down to carefully ease the carriage to the freed-up space.

“That was lucky that a space became available,” Pippa said, resting the flutter of nerves filling her belly.

His mouth hitched at the corner. “It was not luck but planning; I asked one of my grooms to get a good place with my closed carriage early to hold a place for us.”

She glanced around, a sense of excitement filling her. “That was well thought out, thinking ahead like at chess.”

At the mere mention of chess, Pippa could see the memory of her giving herself to him appear in his eyes. A wicked ache rolled through her body, and perplexingly her breasts ached. She couldn’t quite tear her gaze away from him, and she had to squeeze her fingers to find the will to look away. “There’s a lot going on over there. I can see the basket and the balloon is now filling with hot air. The silks are very pretty and colorful.”

“Come, let’s move closer.”

People were running around the basket, placing things inside and there was a lot of bustle, although Pippa was unsure what was the reason for their urgency. She was fascinated by all the activity and there was a hubbub of noise around and behind their carriage as the other spectators chattered and pointed at the balloon.

William handed her a telescope, his hands brushing hers as he showed her how to focus it on the basket. She sneaked a quick glance at him, her heart turning over in response at the unchecked desire in his eyes.Oh, God. Her whole being seemed to be filled with a sense of waiting…and anticipation…and longing. Fearing he would see all those in her eyes, she redirected her regard to the telescope. A few Peelers walked up and down in their dark blue uniforms between the crowd of spectators and the balloonists and their team, making sure that there was no interference from anyone who was not supposed to be involved in the ascent. Pippa could now see that the balloon had risen and was now full.

Several gentlemen dressed incongruously in thick coats and mufflers were walking toward the basket. There was some conversation with the men who had been working on getting the balloon ready and then they climbed into the basket. The basket was now hovering above the ground and only the many tethered ropes kept the conveyance close to the grass.

Then some orders were given that she could not distinguish, and the ropes were released and pulled into the basket and the balloon was off the ground and was climbing fast to cheers from the crowd of spectators.

Pippa laughed. “It is astonishing how wonderful it is to watch!”

“It is,” he said with a smile in his tone. “Incredibly lovely.”

The soft intensity in his tone had Pippa quickly peeking at William. He was watching her and not the balloon, and she saw the heart-rending tenderness in his gaze. Her mouth dried, and she clenched her fingers on the telescope until they pained her. Pippa had to fight the overwhelming need to lean closer to him. “William?” she softly called to him, hating how inexplicably shy she felt at the moment.


“Why…why did you invite me here?”