The marquess had helped her to dismount, and Pippa hastened to her friends as fast as her still aching ankle would allow, laughing when they hugged her far too enthusiastically.

“Thank heavens,” Agatha cried, swiping at her tears.

“Oh, Agatha, do not cry.”

“They are happy tears, I assure you,” she said with a hiccup and then a laugh. “We were all so worried and could do little about it because of the blasted storm. The duke traveled with a search party of servants to look for you. Theo was so worried! The duke did not allow us to help in the search while it rained. We were determined to set out on horses today and find you.”

“I am so sorry,” Pippa said with a watery smile. “My horse tossed me and ran away.”

“We knew something terrible must have happened for that dratted horse returned to the stables. Oh, Pippa I am so glad you are safe,” Harriet said, then lowered her voice, “But please settle my nerves by telling us how you have come to be in the company of that scoundrel?”

Agatha glanced over Pippa’s shoulder at the marquess who had dismounted and was handing the reins over to a stable lad.

“Is that Lord Trent?” Agatha asked in a horrified whisper.

Pippa fought with all her will to not blush. She feared that she had failed from the way her friends’ mouths parted and their eyes widened. “He rescued me and provided lodgings at his cottage nearby. The torrential rain and winds prevented my earlier return.”

“We must know everything!” they cried in unison, looking scandalized.

Pippa laughed, allowing them to drag her inside where Theo and several other ladies would be waiting. A few other members stopped her on the journey inside to hug her and express their happiness at her safe return. Pippa could feel the touch of William’s eyes upon her but successfully did not glance in his direction. She could also feel the curious stares of the ladies from 48 Berkeley Square which were fixed upon the marquess, and his name spilled from a few of their mouths in shocked accents.

Everyone was curious as to why they were together, but Pippa knew their discretion was always to be trusted. There would be no scandal that she had returned alone with a rogue like the marquess after being missing for almost three days. Pippa halted in the hallway upon spying the duke. A harsh sigh of relief came from him when he saw her.

“Thank God you are safe and well,” the duke said, his blue eyes swirling with emotions. “Theodosia is beside herself with worry. Hurry to her chambers and assure her that all is well.”

“Yes, Your Grace,” Pippa gasped and hobbled down the hallway as fast as she could with her still throbbing ankle, past the duke and up the stairs in looping strides. Once at Theo’s chamber, she knocked once and was bid entry.

The duchess was propped up in bed with several plush pillows behind her. Her eyes widened upon seeing Pippa and then Theo burst into tears.

“Oh, Pippa,” she cried, “I have been so worried, imagining the most horrid fate for you.”

She limped over to the bed, clambered up and tried to embrace Theo as best as she could with her high belly.

“Oh, Theo I am dreadfullysorry. Now I feel wretched that I did not try harder to return.”

“Oh,pish,” Theo said with a watery smile, squeezing her hand. “The rains were quite awful, my dear. I know you are resourceful and clever and would be well, but I still worried.”

“I am safe and well.” As quickly as possible she relayed everything to the duchess.

“You were alone with Lord Trent,” Theo said slowly.

“Yes.” Though she tried to sound unflappable, heat swept up her cheeks.

Theo gasped. “Therogue! How far did he dare go?”

Pippa bit into her lower lip. “I was a willing participant…I might even daresay the instigator.”

“Oh dear.” Theo squeezed her hand. “Hartford will speak with the marquess. It is very well known in thetonthat he is not interested in marriage, but I am certain he will see that you have been irrevocably compromised and—”

“Oh, Theo, I have no wish for him to marry me that way!” Pippa cried, her heart racing. “Please, I know you love me dearly, but I ask you to not interfere in this matter.”

Theo searched Pippa’s face intently. “Are you certain?”

She nodded vigorously. “I am. I cannot marry unless I am assured that gentleman will love me as I love him, that he would be faithful to our vows. I…I cannot understand what Lord Trent feels for me at all. If any sort of forcing is involved, I am certain it will lead to a grave disaster.”

The duchess’s expression softened with understanding. “Very well. You look quite a fright. Please do freshen up. I will join everyone below stairs soon.” Theo rang the servant’s bell, and a maid appeared to guide Pippa to her chamber.

It was an exquisite room facing the woodlands of the estate. Peering through the windows, she gasped to see the duke and the marquess walking in the distance, clearly in conversation. Pippa pressed her hand to the cool window and, as if he sensed her stare, he glanced up. Pleasure warmed her cheeks and swallowing tightly against the emotions stirring inside her heart, she stepped away.