The comical dismay on her mother’s face was simply too much. Pippa laughed, only for her breath to hitch on a sob. “Oh, Mama, I…”

“Pippa,” the countess said firmly. “I have given you enough space to grieve whatever had weighed so heavily on your heart. I demand the truth.”

Tears stung her eyes, and it took more courage than she would have thought to reveal the entire sordid affair to her mother. It only took a few minutes to summarize all the fear and hopes she had felt for the past two years. Astonishing really that such a thing was even possible.

“He attacked you,” her mother said faintly, her face pale. “If you’d told your father…he…”

“I know it now, Mama,” Pippa said softly. “Papa would have soundly thrashed the viscount. Alexander might have demanded a duel and be sent away to the continent, for he would surely have killed the viscount.”

The smile on her mother’s face wobbled. “Instead, you kept it all in, learned to defend yourself at this 48 Berkeley Square, and then thrashed the viscount last night.”


Her mother laughed, and it was the last thing Pippa anticipated.

Her mother knocked on the roof of the carriage and gave orders for the carriage to take them to 48 Berkeley Square instead.

“Mama, whatever are you doing?” Pippa asked, glancing through the curtains.

“You once told me at this club that the duchess has cabinets of strong liquors, not only sherry.”


“Good. I need strong libation and a good cry. That, my dear, your father does not have the heart to witness.”

Pippa chuckled, feeling like another weight had been removed from her shoulders. She moved and sat beside her mother, looping their hands together, then resting her head on her mother’s shoulder. Pippa felt contented and smiled for a long time as the carriage rumbled down the cobbled streets.


Several hours later, Pippa stood in another successful crush. This ball was hosted by Lady Felicity, the Countess of Wyndham. Having only married recently, this was Felicity’s first ball, and it was a resounding success. Almost every member of 48 Berkeley Square was present, lending much support to one of their own. Felicity appeared resplendent, sheathed in a dark green ball gown that hugged sensually to her figure, her rich brown hair with those blonde strands of hair piled high atop her head in an artful coif. Her husband dipped and murmured something into her ear, to which she responded by blushing and laughingly slapping at his arm.

Pippa smiled, a soft sigh escaping her. Clearly, whatever he said was decidedly naughty.

“Was that a sound of envy,” a perky voice said at her elbow.

Pippa grinned, turned and greeted her friend. “It was one of happiness for Felicity. She looks so radiant, Harriet. Do you see how they smile at each other?”

“I am heartened to see so many ladies of our club making such wonderful matches,” Harriet said, her eyes twinkling. “Have you added any names to your list since we last spoke?”

Oddly…no. Pippa frowned and glanced around the ballroom. “No.”

Harriett wrinkled her nose. “Surely, there are a few gentlemen who meet your requirements.” She held up four of her gloved fingers. “Your ideal gentleman should be a witty conversationalist, preferably only slightly taller than yourself, good-natured and kind to others, and not in need of a fortune.”

“I daresay those are simple needs,” Pippa said, tucking a wisp of hair behind her ear.

“Simple enough where you should have at least a dozen names,” Harriet agreed. “I thought the plan was to make the list today based on those gentlemen we observed last night.”

A pair of golden-lion eyes swam in her thoughts, and she stiffened. The Marquess of Trent most certainly did not fit her ideal thoughts of a suitor!

“No one asked me to dance last evening,” Pippa murmured. “In truth, I can only assess a gentleman as a potential suitor when we converse.”

Harriet’s features softened. “I am sorry you were not asked to dance.”

Waving away her friend’s commiseration and disregarding the pinch inside her heart, Pippa said, “There are far more enticing debutantes here, and I have been missing for almost two seasons. I am decidedly unpopular. And who says I must wait for a gentleman to ask me to dance?”

Harriet’s eyes lit with glee. “A capital idea, Pippa! We should wager on it.”

“Absolutely not,” she said with a laugh. “Theo would—”