“Love! You lovehim? He has nothing to offer you.Nothing. When we are married, I will rid you of the notion you ever loved this upstart!”

The door opened and several voices floated on the air.

“Where is my daughter?” the countess demand shrilly in the backdrop, “and what led you to believe she was in here?”

The marquess smiled at him, spiteful triumph in his eyes. “I would urge you to hide behind those creepers, Mr. Fairbanks. The rumors won’t be kind to Lady Cressida should you be found in here as well. Two men and one lady?”

The truth of those words punched Nicholas in the gut. She sent him a beseeching glance and he nodded.

“I will not be here when they arrive.”

Her face crumpled and smoothed over so quickly that he almost missed it. The voices of her mother and a few others drifted closer. Cressida held his gaze, her eyes huge and heart-stoppingly vulnerable. And before he could think about his actions, Nicholas walked over to the marquess and slammed a fist into his gut.

The man doubled over and wheezed.

“That is for kissing her without her consent.” Nicholas whirled to Cressida and hauled her against his chest. His hand slid into her hair, ruining her chignon even more. Several strands tumbling over her shoulders in beautiful waves. He wrapped his arm around her waist tightly. “Forgive me.”

Her eyes widened with shock. “What are you—”

Nicholas crashed his mouth down onto hers as her mother and the other parties in this ghastly scandalous play emerged from the corner.


The feel of Nicholas’s mouth on hers stole all fear and doubt and pain from Cressida’s mind. He removed the taste of the marquess’s mouth on hers. Nicholas removed the terrifying loss she had felt a few moments ago, and he replaced all with burning love. His mouth gentled and he lifted his head. “Now it is us who are caught in scandal together,” he murmured roughly. “It will be damn horrible, but I will not let you go. Come what may, we are together.”

Then pandemonium ensued. Her mother shrieked and several gasps echoed. Cressida wrenched from his arms and whirled around, pressing a hand over her chest.

“What is going on?” her mother cried, her gaze going to the marquess in horrific question.

At that moment, Cressida knew her mother had been a part of his compromising plan. Her chest cracked open a little bit more.How could you, mama?

“Forgive us,” Nicholas said, moving to stand before her. “Lady Cressida has consented to marry me, and I fear I was too enthusiastic in my delight. I was about to escort her inside. I must ask you all for your discretion.”

“Discretion?” her mother shrieked.


“My daughter will not—”

“I love your daughter with my entire heart. She has made me the luckiest man alive by agreeing to be my wife.”

* * *

Silence,rigid silence fell over the small gathering. It was evident to all some tableau had unfolded but propriety in thetonwas a damn game, a terrible chess game with reputation and connections being the currency. That much he had learned from his sister-in-law. He mentally stacked his pieces in his arsenal. He would not lose this woman beside him. His sister was now a duchess with a powerful duke who worshipped the ground she walked upon. The head of their family was a damn earl. And another sister was also a viscountess.

The marquess’s hands were fisted at his side, and he glared at Nicholas who gave him an icy, unconcerned smile.

“I cannot understand what is happening,” the countess said faintly. “Lord Linfield informed me only a few minutes ago he would make an offer for my daughter tonight.”

“An offer I would have refused,” Cressida said, with a distinct ring of defiance and anger in her voice. She shifted to stand beside him, but enough in the shadows to hopefully hide the ruined state of her dress. “I am in love with Mr. Fairbanks.”

A ripple went through the small gathering.

Her father stepped forward, his expression inscrutable. “I believe it is time we leave this ball.” The earl faced the small party behind him. “I will add my voice to Mr. Fairbanks and ask for your discretion in this matter.”

“Will there be a wedding?” the Marchioness of Claymore and their hostess asked, her eyes moving from Cressida to Nicholas.

“Yes,” Cressida and Nicholas said in perfect unison.