“After I’ve painted you delightfully naked, you want me to take said painting, steal into the Marquess of Linfield’s home and set the painting above his bed where he cannot miss it.”


She tilted her chin and looked down her patrician nose at him. “Are you afraid to do this, Mr. Fairbanks?”

“Afraid, no,” he murmured. However, Nicholaswasbored enough and delighted by her to be tempted by the strange proposal. Of course, he did not need the money, though every bit took him closer to his goal of purchasing his own country estate. “How much did you say you’re paying?”

“Five hundred pounds.”

A small fortune and that it was offered revealed that this was quite important to the lady. “Regrettably, I decline.”

Her eyes widened, and it was clear the lady had not anticipated his refusal. No doubt she was used to getting her way.

Her gloved hands fluttered to her throat, the action delicate and startled. “Permit me to ask the why of your refusal, sir.”

Nicholas smiled. “The reward offered is not worth the risk.”

She canted her head and measured Nicholas as if trying to decipher a secret code. “And what risk do you assume, Mr. Fairbanks?”

“Scandal, of course.”

She cast him an arresting stare. “How unusual. I had not thought you a man concerned with scandal.”

“You do not know me at all, Lady Cressida. The danger of believing in rumors is even more apparent.”

The lady smiled and sashayed about his small but tastefully furnished drawing room. She made her way over to the mantle and poured herself a glass of sherry, then took a small sip.

“Forgive my manners,” he said smoothly. “I should have offered you refreshments though I believed ladies of your ilk only took tea.”

She considered him over the rim of the glass. “I’ve seen you at a few balls, and I’ve watched you discreetly slip outside with a few widows and married ladies, all with this wicked smile about your mouth. I do not rely only on what the gossips say. I have been watching you, Mr. Fairbanks. Youaredivertingly scandalous and wicked.”

Nicholas flashed her a sensual grin, and the lady flushed, briefly looking away from him. “Now, that is a diverting thought. How long have you been watching?”

She sniffed. “It only matters that I’ve seen firsthand some of your shenanigans. I do not believe you a gentleman concerned about a scandal, Mr. Fairbanks.”

“You presume wrong.”

“Have I truly?”

“What would it do to my family’s name if I were caught invading the home of a marquess? Surely the man would be incensed enough to call the constables. And while my brother has enough clout as the Earl of Celdon, the scandal will roar through thetonlike wildfire.”

She used a long, elegant finger to push back a wisp of hair behind her ear. “Never say Nicholas Fairbanks has been…tamed. I thought those whispers were about Lord Celdon himself, whom many ladies say, with regret, he married far too soon. A rumored love match as well.”

Nicholas smiled, and her eyes flared, a flush dusting her face. Never more had he appreciated that his sister teased him as being ‘far too handsome.’ It seemed the lady was not immune to his charms, a fair thing to his mind, for he was far from immune to hers.

“Alas, I believe I will have to consult with Sir Robert Martin. He is reputed to be a decent portrait painter as well. Forgive me for disturbing your peace, Mr. Fairbanks.” Lady Cressida emptied her sherry, set the glass down with aclink,and walked toward the door.

Nicholas waited until her hand was on the latch before he said, “I never said I might not be tempted by the right reward.”

Her slim back stiffened, and she turned around, a wary expression settling on her lovely face. “You wish for more money, sir?”


“Then what other reward were you thinking?”

Wickedness pulsed through him. “A few kisses. I’ll be gentlemanly enough to leave it at that.”And I shall satisfy myself with that taste of you.

Her eyes widened, and she stared at him for long moments. Nicholas allowed the silence to linger, to pulse with the awareness that he was a man and she a woman, and they were alone at the tempting hour of ten at night. The awareness dawned in her eyes, and her throat worked on a swallow, her tongue darting to wet her lips.