“You’ll come to my lodgings at least three nights for your portrait. You must come in disguise. A wig is a must. One that is distinctly different from your hair color. Blonde perhaps. Continue wearing the face mask. Do you have someone that will help you with this?”

Her heart was pounding so fast that she felt faint. “My sister. She is a countess in her own right. I shall…I shall visit and reside with her for the next couple of weeks.”

“Will she allow you to sneak out from her home?”


A flicker of surprise crossed his face, and a soft curse hissed against her mouth.

She stared at him in mock astonishment. “You do not approve?”

He grimaced. “It is reckless.”

Cress took a deep breath, trying to calm the wild flutters in her stomach. “Then why do you agree?”

“I do not want you to turn to another gentleman,” he admitted gruffly. “I already cannot bear the thought of anyone else seeing you naked…or kissing you.”

Her toes curled inside her dancing slippers, and, with a startling sense of recognition, Cressida allowed that she had long been attracted to Nicholas Fairbanks. “That is perfect because I do not want another man to see me…or kiss me.”

A soft groan whispered against her mouth. A dangerous, forbidden thrill shot through her again, and before Cressida could step away and examine that feeling, he pressed his mouth to hers. Shock and delight bloomed through her in equal measure.

Her first kiss.

Not even to the marquess had she granted the honor despite his numerous attempts at persuading her. Cressida had always giggled and fluttered her lashes like how her sister showed her and flittered away like an iridescent butterfly.

Cocooned in the darkness of the parlor with Mr. Fairbanks, her heart slamming against the walls of her chest, Cressida trembled. Her lips parted on the smallest sighs, and he deepened the kiss. It was pleasant and warm, luring her to become even more pliant in his arms.

He pulled his mouth from hers. “You are not very good at this, are you?”

She gasped her outrage, shoving at his chest. “Mr. Fairbanks—”

“As we are about to tangle ourselves in naughty mischief, you best call me Nicholas.”

“Nicholas,” Cress breathed softly.

“Cressida,” he said in answer.

The way he said her name as if he tasted and savored it caused her heart to beat a frantic tattoo against her breastbone.

“Your name is unusual and beautiful.”

“Thank you.”

He took her face between his large hands and kissed her again, coaxing her lips apart with soft licks and nips. Soon she was flush against him, her arms wrapped around his neck, her mouth being ravished with intoxicating kisses that sent her senses reeling. His tongue traced the fullness of her lips. Cress startled at the first touch, then she shivered into the cage of his arms. The slow, sweet slide of his tongue against hers filled her with breathless longing. Heat pooled low in her belly, and Cressida moaned, seduced by the pleasure he was evoking with his ardent kisses.

Her whole body seemed to be filled with wanting. She arched toward him, impelled by her own passions. She never imagined a kiss could be like this, and inexplicably Cress was glad Nicholas was the first man to hold her in this manner. He stepped back and stared down at her, breathing heavily. She stared back, her own breath unsteady, her pulse thudding in her ears.

Bending his head, he kissed her throat, her ear, subtly inhaling her scent. “I have wanted to kiss you for so damn long,” he said with a groan, gently brushing his mouth on hers. “The reality is greater than anything I ever dreamed, Cressida.”

The thrill of being soimproperspiked her desire higher, and her breath came in short pants. “Nicholas, I…”Oh drat. Cressida had no notion of what to say.

“Our first painting session starts tomorrow.”

Grateful for the shift in topic she nodded. “Yes.”

He released her and Cress stepped back, smoothing her hands down her dress.

“Go to the retiring room. Stay there for several minutes so a few ladies see you, then return to the ballroom. Do not look or wink at me when you want to meet discreetly. One direct look from you, and I will understand your intentions. Do you understand?”