“Who is everyone?” Colin demanded archly.

Ignoring that question, Nicholas continued, “But you, my good man, were more than obvious, and your poor wife is blushing frightfully.”

Colin glanced over at his wife, chatting with his sisters, Lizzy, Emma, and Ester. He chuckled. “She does look a bit red. I cannot believe my darling Hermina still blushes.”

Given his brother’s propensity for debauchery, Nicholas could understand why his sister-in-law still blushed under her husband’s stare, but he wisely held his counsel. Nicholas nudged his shoulder. “I need you to find a way to introduce me to Lady Cressida Winters.”


Nicholas sighed and tactfully lifted his chin in her direction.

Colin arched a brow. “The lady is stunning. But I do not know her. How do I introduce her to you?”

Nicholas glared at his brother. “You are married to the damn etiquette teacher. Have you forgotten your lessons so soon?”

Colin grinned. “I was not focused on them but a pair of fine eyes, and…well, I was not focused.”

“We will prevail upon Lord Rollington to affect an introduction. Discreetly, of course. Then he will take us over, and I will ask her to dance after said introduction.”

“Dance?” Colin parroted with a hard glint in his eyes. “She is not the likes for your flirtation.”

Good God. “What the hell am I, a monster?”

“A rakish one, yes,” his brother said mildly, taking a sip of his champagne. “A very rakish one who should not be around innocent young ladies.”

“Well, this monster has no designs on her as her engagement is about to be publicized. If you look at the lady right this very minute, you will see why I must save her by getting that introduction.”

Colin discreetly watched her only for a few seconds before he said, “Bloody hell, has she some sort of affliction? Her left eye keeps twitching or is it a wink?”

Nicholas choked on his drink. “That is her way of trying to signal me to meet her…privately.”

Now it was Colin’s turn to choke. “The lady has no subtlety, and that tells me she is rather new to the game. Brother permit me to ask, what does she want withyou?”

“It is a long story and not mine to divulge.” Nicholas grimaced. “But we shall save her from her own folly.”

“With a dance?” Colin asked skeptically. “Will that work? The tick seems to be getting worse.”

Nicholas chuckled. “Yes.”

“You could just disappear from the ballroom, and then she will follow.”

“With discretion or like a herd of elephants?”

Colin grinned. “You might be right. Come, let’s get this introduction. First, to ensure the proper look of…well properness, we shall get my countess to accompany us. And Nicholas, I do not know what the lady wants but keep your damn cock away from her.”

For the love of…

Ignoring his brother, Nicholas did his best to not stare at her head motions and winks that made her seem as if she had suffered a stroke. Instead, he tried to suppress the anticipation he felt at taking her into his arms.

* * *

Cressida rosefrom her curtsy to the Earl of Celdon and his brother Mr. Nicholas Fairbanks who stared at her too boldly. Glad that he was now this close to her, she was about to try and discreetly signal him again when he shifted and pinned her with those beautiful blue eyes.

“Lady Cressida,” Mr. Fairbanks said with a most charming smile. “Will you do me the honor of dancing with me for this next set?”

A very strange delight stirred in her veins. A flash of color snagged her attention, and she stiffened to see the marquess striding toward them, his mouth flat and unsmiling, his eyes narrowed on the earl and Mr. Fairbanks.

Without coming to a stop, he started to speak, “I am afraid Lady Cressida’s next dance is—”