“I knew him,” Alexander murmured. “He died in a carriage race on the country roads to Scotland.”


“I met him when I was two and twenty. He was charming, and I liked him. I was out of mourning, and…he courted me. I am not certain if it was for marriage or if he wanted me to be his mistress. However, we anticipated our vows one night after a ball. He did not make an offer the following day, but I was not expecting one, truly uncertain about marrying again. He continued paying his addresses to me, but I was careful to not allow…another intimate encounter.” Lucinda tightened her fingers on his and breathed a shaky sigh. “However, a few weeks later, I missed my…menses. I waited another month, and it was the same. I went to him and informed him I was with child. He was…he was aghast and angry at himself, and I gather he was not yet ready for marriage. He asked me to marry him that day, and I said yes, of course.”

They watched the stars for a while before he rose and poured champagne into two glasses. Lucinda took a glass and drank it down in a few gulps. “We were married by special license only a few days later, and our marriage was pleasant for a few weeks. We were getting to know each other, and he had revealed himself to be most charming and amiable. Only five weeks after our marriage, my menses came. I informed him of the matter and…”

She shook her head, holding out her glass for him to refill it. After her fifth glass of champagne, she hiccupped and tumbled against him, laughing. Lucinda drank her sixth glass before she continued her story. “He accused me of being a liar and trapping him. We had a terrible row, and he was unmoved by my stance that I had not deceived him. He refused to believe me. We then became estranged. He left me in the countryside and made his way to town. I never saw him again, and almost two years later, I got the news he had died.”

“Bloody hell.”

A wry laugh left her. “Afterward, I decided marriage was…it was an unpalatable experience, and I wondered why should I ever succumb to it again? What was the use of it to me?”

He touched the tip of her nose with a finger. “I understand.”

“There,” she said, “That is the sum of my story.”

“Impossible. I want to know everything about you.”

Why was she so delighted with this earl? “Oh.”

He shook his head, looking perplexed. “Yes, every minute detail. What you had for breakfast, what is your best color, your best time of the day, the food you love, what makes you vexed…hell, I feel I want to consume you, my sweet. When I am not with you, I dream about you. I feel eager and desperate to be near you, with you…inside you. I am left wondering what manner of fucking madness is this.”

Sensation rippled down her spine, and a feeling of wonder scythed through her heart. “I love the mornings, the feel of a new day, and the sun's warmth on my face. I love blue…I am not sure why it has always been so, and I adore the green of your eyes. I love prawns in crème sauce and roasted pork.” She kissed the top of her fingers rather dramatically. “In the nights, I imagine you are beside me, holding me when I sleep. That night in your arms, my head on your chest…I have never felt anything so wonderful and peaceful. Sometimes I touch between my thighs, and I scream your name as I find fulfillment, yet I am still empty because you were not there, filling me up until I feel as if I would burst under the pressure yet catching me when I shatter and fall.”

They stared at each other for long, tense moments. Alexander hauled her to him and kissed her until she was breathlessly moaning with desire. He kissed her slow and deep, taking time to explore. Lucinda became drunk on his taste…and the scent of her lover. Alexander slid his hands to her backside and lifted her, bringing her pelvis flush against his, rocking her over his cock. Heat pooled low in her belly, and she moaned into the leisure kiss. She broke the kiss to murmur against his mouth, “I do believe I am on the way to becoming tipsy. And it may just be the perfect excuse I need.”

He lifted his hands to cup her face. “For what?”

Another hiccup, then she pouted and said, “To take your cock into my mouth. I’ve always wanted to try this since I saw it in averynaughty book at the club.”

Alexander made a gruff, incredulous noise and then cursed.

“My, what a filthy tongue you have, my lord,” she drawled. Then another hiccup, and for mystifying reasons, she laughed.

His green eyes held her captive. He kissed her, just at the corner of her lips. “You are driving me mad with lust; however, we will make our way out of the park soon and—”

She tapped his mouth in a sensual play. “Oh dear me no…where is your sense of wicked adventure?”


This rush of aching tenderness, the slow beat of his heart…oh, it felt dangerous, yet so damn right. Kissing Lucinda was like consuming cool, crisp water after being denied sustenance for days. The feel over her mouth on his cock, the wicked glide of her hot little tongue…her giving sensuality…God, it was just what he’d been needing. Peeking up at him from beneath her lashes, the minx smiled around his cock in her mouth. She knew she drove him to madness, that he barely held onto his control.

Alexander was still uncertain how he had allowed her to free his cock from his trousers after she had blown out the four candles, plunging them into darkness. If not for the moon, he would not be able to see the lust and tenderness firing in her eyes as she explored him. He gritted his teeth and bore her tentative and untutored ministrations, even though he was desperate to toss her underneath him and take her.

This she deserved and so much more. She was a lover willing to submit to whatever desires she had, a lover that reveled in her sensuality. No woman had ever looked at him with such naked physical need and tenderness.

At this moment, he suspected she was falling deeper into him, for he was most certainly falling deeper into her. He wanted to strip her layers bare and understand her complexities. His lover was clever, kind, and owned to a wonderful sense of humor. Lucinda made him want so much. Too much. God, her touch felt good.

Her tongue stroked over the broad head of his erection, and he groaned.Sweet mercy. She would damn well kill him with pleasure before the night was done. Her hair cascaded over her face, obscuring his view, and he gripped it, wrapping it around his hand. She shifted restlessly on the blanket, and he knew she was as aroused as him.

“Come here…ride me, my sweet.”

Lucinda released his cock from her mouth and climbed up to him. He pushed her dress up to her hips and assisted her in sitting atop him. Wanting her wet, Alexander fisted his cock and rubbed it over her open sex, dragging the tip over her clitoris and then down to the entrance of her tight cunny, dragging it back and forth over and over. She grew wet with want, and a breath hissed from him as he fought the need to spill his release.

“Ah hell, sit on me now,” he rasped, trembling.

She arched her back and lowered herself onto his cock, sliding up and down until she sat astride him, fully seated to the hilt. His lover rocked against him slowly, rising up and going down on his cock with excruciating slowness. Sweat beaded on his brow despite the cool night air, and the groan that ripped from him sounded tortured. Breathless cries echoed from her lips, and fire rippled through him when she arched, giving a startled, breathy cry, her release flooding over his cock with wet heat. Alexander barely arched her off him to spill his release outside her body.