She dimly realized she trembled against the hard body that continued holding her so firmly.

“Do you want to leave?”

The urge to say yes welled in her throat but would not spill from her mouth. This was what she wanted. Passion and lust and thrilling excitement. It was wicked, and it was no longer about the dare or her struggling to feel attraction for another lord. This moment was real…the hunger aching through her body was real. Having a night of passion with a stranger held an impossible allure but was certainly too daring. Yet she knew deep down he was no stranger. “I do not want to leave, Lord Chisholm.”

A groan of relief issued from him, then they both stilled, and the silence and darkness of the chamber wrapped around them, an offer to keep this wicked dalliance a secret.

“So you know who I am.”

“Yes.”Somehow I knew too, the moment you kissed me.Because Lucinda suspected it would be rare to feel such extraordinary attraction to two gentlemen at the same instance. She felt the earl’s smile and satisfaction though she could not see him. It sent an odd shiver through her, and a warning that she threaded in dangerous waters skipped down her spine. She closed her eyes, breathing rapidly.

“This is only for tonight,” she whispered. It felt important to set that boundary even though she could not understand the urge.

“That works fine for me.”

She recalled his earlier claim that he did not bed the same woman twice. Lucinda stared at him, hating the dark and wishing she could see his face.

He unexpectedly brushed a tender kiss at the corner of her mouth. “I best make the most of this precious gift you are giving me.”

She smiled.You devilish charmer.

With arousing boldness, the hand that had hovered on her shin trailed upward to her sex and cupped, sliding a long finger through her curls to her nub of pleasure. It was a teasing glide, the lightest of caress, but her hips arched, and a moan trapped itself in her throat. “When was the last time you had a lover?”

Her mind blanked, and she hissed a note of annoyance to feel herself blush. “What does it matter, my lord?”

“Alexander…Lucinda, formality need not exist between us anymore.”

She shaped his name with her lips but did not say it. His mouth brushed against her temple, a show of unexpected comfort that brought a rush of warmth to her chest.

“The first moment I saw you, I felt a keen attraction that had me envisioning what it would be like to ride your sweet, lush body for the night. Not very gentlemanly of me, but it happened. Christ, I’ll make myself insane with my want of you.” He rubbed his fingers over her mound and down to her slit. His breath seemed uneven for a moment. “If I take you how I want to…you’ll not sit comfortably later.”

His evocative words sent fire down her spine to land hotly in her belly, a befuddling rush of wetness touching his finger. A low, sensual chuckle filled the space between them, and he pressed a kiss to her mouth in time to the provocative movement of his finger slipping into her quim. Hot need welled up the instant he touched her, and she shifted restlessly against him, wanting more. Lucinda wrapped her hands around his neck and teasingly murmured against his mouth, “A long bath will have a wonderfully restorative effect.”

Alexander smiled, and then he ravished her mouth with deep kisses, sending the pit of her stomach into a wild swirl. Their tongues teased and consumed, tasting, and delighting in each other for long moments. A pulse beat and swelled at the base of her throat, and somehow his lips found that exact spot as they trailed from her mouth down. He licked there and nipped, then sucked at the skin of her flesh. She gasped in delight, then moaned in want. Lucinda could feel his uneven breathing against her neck and the force of his desire.

Alexander ran his lips coaxingly down her shoulders, over the generous globes of her breasts, the underside…down to her navel where he dipped his tongue. She bloomed for him with each wicked kiss, crying out and arching into his touch. Lucinda was almost shocked by her eager responses and the liquid heat she could feel soaking her sex.

He bent his head and kissed the inside of her raised knee, provoking a wildfire of sensation to race over her entire body. Alexander spread her legs wide, and despite the darkness, her body blushed. Then he licked her…and she slapped a hand over her mouth to stop the sobs of need. He slid his hands upward on her naked skin, cupping her buttocks, pulling her harder against his mouth. Her thighs trembled as he lasciviously kissed her most intimate part, curling his tongue over her nub. Pleasure raced over her skin and down to her belly, drawing it into a tight knot of agonizing need until it splintered, and piercing pleasure washed over her senses.

There was something wet at her cheeks.Tears. From the unending, jarring ecstasy that crashed through her senses and drowned her. How had she never known loving was supposed to be like this? When she thought the pleasure ended, he stoked the fire again, driving her to madness with his tongue and fingers. Lucinda found a shattering release twice more, the pleasure so acute it felt almost agonizing. She was about to plead for a reprieve when Alexander came up over her, his weight spreading her legs wider as he came down atop her.

Lucinda shivered under the male power felt in his body. She tilted her head back and drew a sharp breath when he reached between them, tucked his cock against her sex, and started to invade her body. There was a tight stretch that wrenched another gasp from her throat. He did not stop, slipping deeper, his invasion bringing pain and pleasure. Not even when she had lost her virginity had she felt this alarming stretch and burn. “I…Alexander…I don’t think…I…”

Alexander kissed her, distracting her for his inexorable push. With a distant sense of alarm, she realized all men were not made equal, and she and the earl might not fit. Lucinda felt pinned and thoroughly invaded. A whimper swelled in her throat, and he took it inside of him, kissing her endlessly. Unexpectedly her body yielded, and he thrust deep into her body.

Though his shoulders and arms were trembling with strain, he held himself still, giving her time to adjust to the feel of him inside her body. A soft sigh left Lucinda when the pressuring ache eased. He groaned in response to that sigh and then her lover for the night started to move.

Beyond the pain, the pleasure was…sublime.

Everything suddenly was filled. The restless emptiness eating away at her heart was filled with overflowing pleasure that expanded throughout her entire body. It was sweet, hot, fiery, and frightening. She embraced all the feelings, lifting her hips and clutching his shoulders at each heavy thrust deep inside her body.

She buried her face against his shoulder as he plunged his manhood inside her again and again. Lucinda was restless and desperate to learn him, to explore the male body when she had never been driven by such an urge before. She touched him, slid her hands down over the bunching muscles of his shoulders, down to his back, and over his arse to grip the muscled flesh and hold him to her.

It was unbearably erotic to feel the clench of his arse beneath her hands as he flexed his hips and thrust his thickness into her repeatedly. Lucinda cried out shamelessly beneath him, writhed and whimpered and bit his shoulder. She was lost in passion and feeling. No longer was she cold. No longer was she lonely. The hot tide of passion raged through them as time seemed to vanish into breathtaking oblivion. She burned, and the sensations felt as if they would never end. Lucinda yielded to the searing pleasure as her whole being flooded with release. A few thrusts later, Alexander pulled from her body and released his seed on her quivering mound with a deep, ragged groan.

There was no sound in the darkened room save for their harsh breathing. It struck her that since they’d started kissing, no words had passed between them. Somehow it felt more intimate…more secret that the darkness had held all their wicked wantonness, even as she felt an aching wish she’d been able to see his face and eyes.

Her lashes fluttered closed in surprise when he pressed a gentle kiss to the top of her forehead. Suddenly she was exhausted, and she made no protest when without lighting a candle or stirring the fireplace, he cleaned her, then tucked her into the crook of his arms. Lucinda closed her eyes, inhaled his rousing masculine scent, and fell into a slumber.