He stilled, his compelling gaze piercing her. “You cannot swim?”

“I cannot.”

Alexander closed his eyes as if pained. “Woman…bloody hell. You were sinking…without any fear or thrashing to the bottom of the damn lake.”

“I held my breath,” she said with a smile.

A black scowl gathered on his face, and she kissed his chin. “I knew you would have not allowed anything to happen to me.”

“You trust me this much, Lucinda?”

Her heart gave a fierce leap at his low murmur. “I do.” And the awareness shocked her, for she had never been a person to give her trust easily. “I do, Alexander.”

Lucinda thought she detected a flicker of awe in his eyes before he cupped her face in his hands and brought her mouth to his in a deep kiss. Immediately, pleasure swelled through her, and she gave herself over to the languid heat he stoked with such effortless ease. He parted her lips with his, and his tongue entered her mouth. Alexander's tongue stroked over hers in a sensual exploration that was tender, arousing, and wildly exciting. Lucinda moaned, shivering in his embrace.

“You are cold.”

It was the very opposite. However, she allowed him to assist her back to the boat, and they rowed to the banking. They went into the house silently, hand in hand, up the stairs to his bedchamber. Once there, he removed her clothes, used a towel to dry her body and hair before laying her on the bed. Alexander removed his clothes, hurriedly dried his hair before joining her.

“God, I need you,” he said raggedly.

“Yes.” Lucinda was already wet and aching for him.

He slowly entered her, and she gasped her pleasure, lifting her legs to hitch them high at his hips. Alexander’s groan was tortured and pleased in equal measure. As he made love to her, he slanted his mouth over hers in lush, carnal, and sweet kisses. They stayed in his bedchamber for several hours, laughing and loving until they had to dress to return downstairs for dinner.

* * *

The next twoweeks were a blur of fun and sensual pleasure. They played cards, went fishing for several days, although Alexander caught more of the delicious trout that thrived in the lake. They rode together in the mornings, often choosing to picnic in some sheltered spot on his lands. Enjoying the fresh countryside air and silently observing the birds, rabbits and squirrels that lived wild and free in his domain. In the evenings, they read together by the fire, and then Alexander made love to Lucinda until they fell into deep and peaceful slumber. No one talked about ending an affair or even about the future. The season had ended, the leaves were already falling from the trees, and their love affair blossomed to dizzy heights.

It was for that reason, Lucinda felt unsure about sharing with her lover an awareness that had slammed into her senses only a few hours ago. She had missed her menses for the second time in her life. The shock of it had made her pick at her breakfast, to which Alexander had arched a brow in query for Lucinda was an enthusiastic eater.

She had not said anything, feeling uncertain about what exactly she should share with him. Thinking he had no need to know about the peculiarities of her body, she remained silent and allowed another few days to pass.

Lucinda luxuriated in the large bathtub, lathering her body with a rose-scented soap. Alexander was downstairs replying to some business correspondence, and she was to meet him on the eastern lawns for a candle-lit dinner under a mock Grecian gazebo. A grin curved her mouth. Who would have thought her earl was the romantic sort.

She rubbed the soap over her collar bone and down to her breasts, a hiss escaping her at the soreness of her nipples. Lucinda stilled, her heart pounding and an odd feeling of dread tightening low in her belly. She hurriedly finished her bath and rung for a servant to assist her in dressing in a silver evening gown that boasted of a naughtily lowered neckline. Given that they were alone in the countryside, she forwent gloves, shoes, and stockings, grinning at her daring. Lucinda also wore her hair down, and the maid brushed it with a hundred strokes for her blonde tresses to fall over her shoulders and down her back in a shimmering wave. She glanced in the mirror and thought she looked a little pale and so she pinched her cheeks and smiled at her reflection. It was a beautiful dress, a new one, which she had never worn before, and it made her feel like a fairy princess going out to meet her fairy lord.

She went downstairs and crept past a dozing footman to quietly leave the house. Then she curled her toes into the soft grass of the lawn as she padded over to the gazebo. Lucinda laughed as Alexander grabbed her from behind and swooped her into his arms, carrying her over to the gazebo. It was a beautiful sight with dozens of lit lanterns, fragrant, fresh flowers growing all around the gazebo in picturesque natural plantings, and a scrumptious buffet of food set on a table hung with pristine white linen for them both to enjoy in pastoral harmony. And the most lovely thing was Alexander, with his eyes drinking in her sight, so relaxed and happy in her presence.

They sat down together, but when she leaned forward to inhale the aroma of freshly roasted pork into her lungs, a sick feeling entered her belly. Lucinda lurched back, that dread dancing its fingers along her spine once more.

“What is it? You’ve gone pale.”

She shook her head wordlessly for several moments, feeling like she had slipped back into the past. “I…my stomach is a bit queasy. I am afraid.”

He froze in the act of picking up his fork. Alexander canted his head, his astute gaze landing on her heavily. It was stupid, but it felt uncomfortable to meet his gaze. Annoyed, she lifted her chin and glared at him.

“Tell me,” he said quietly.

“I have missed my menses and…I find that my nipples are terribly tender and…” Her voice trailed off, and she swallowed hard.

“I have never once released inside of you, my sweet.”

Despite his endearment, his tone was decidedly indifferent and perhaps chilled.

“I am aware of the precautions you took, Alexander.”

His expression was veiled, and she could not decipher what he possibly thought. “Yet you are saying that you are with child.”