Lucinda could not sleep, she had tossed and turned for some hours, without any sign of Somnus visiting. Her attempts at driving Alexander from her mind had been totally useless. She clambered out of bed and put on a respectable nightgown, covering it with a pelisse. Heading downstairs barefoot on tiptoes, hoping to locate the kitchens without encountering anyone. Lucinda hoped to make herself some hot milk and grab whatever was available for a late supper.

She paused at the bottom of the stairs. Perhaps it was best to read. The house slept and she went into the library happy to see that lamps were lit, and the fireplace roared. The library was majestic, rising two stories with stairs and ladders to assist in reaching books. Padding over to a wall shelf, she scanned a few titles and sighed, resting her forehead on the cool wood. She could not explain the restless energy that filled her body.

Whirling from the bookshelf, she hurried outside into the hallway and into the music room. She went over to the large door, opened it, and went outside into the gardens. The cool air touched on her bare shoulders, sending shivers along her flesh but she did not retreat inside. There was a half-moon in the sky, and it painted the palatial estate in beautiful moonbeams. The grass prickled her bare feet, but she kept walking until she saw a stone bench, perfectly placed before a statue of Venus. She sat on it, and lifted her face to the night sky, deeply inhaling the brisk air. The scent of jasmine and something elusive filled her lungs, but it brought to her senses a feeling of comfort.

“You seem sad.”

Lucinda gasped, pressing a hand over her jerking heart. Her affected serenity was momentarily ruffled. “Where exactly are you, my lord?”

He unfolded from the shadows and took a step toward her, closing the distance between them. She was excruciatingly conscious of his nearness. “Do you tend to haunt your gardens at night, my lord?”

“I followed you from the music room. You were so intent on escaping the house you did not notice me sitting before the pianoforte in the dark.”

“And your natural inclination was to follow me?”

“Of course. You can never tell which nefarious scoundrel is awaiting you outside.”

“On your estate grounds?”

His stare was tangible. “Anything is possible,” he said drily.

She dealt him a pointed glare and he grinned. An unexpected silence fell between them. “I am not sad,” she said softly. “I…”

She looked away from him. “I was unable to sleep as well. Perhaps we are plagued by the same malady.”

There was nothing suggestive in his tone, yet heat rippled over her skin. Their gaze met and her heart turned over in response; however, it was a reaction she did not understand, never before having experienced it. “What do you do when you are unable to sleep?”

“I play the pianoforte. I was about to start when you darted in.”

“I cannot play,” she impulsively said.


Lucinda gave a shaky laugh, rubbing her hands over her shoulders. “Yes.”

“You are cold.”

She swallowed.

“Come here.”

Oh, God. “Why?”

Wicked deviltry gleamed in his eyes. “Let me warm you.”

She allowed her gaze to run leisurely over him. He was dressed rather casually in a burgundy waistcoat, a white undershirt, and trousers. Clearly sometime earlier Alexander had discarded his jacket and cravat. “You wear no coat.”

She stepped closer to him, until she was in his embrace and flush against his body. A soft shudder escaped her, and she rested her forehead on his chest.Thud. Thud.Thud. Lucinda listened to his heartbeat for several moments, suspecting the desperate tempo echoed hers. “What are we doing, Alexander?” she whispered.

“I am holding you, to provide warmth,” he said gruffly.

She smiled and surprised herself by snuggling even closer. The heat emanating from him wrapped her in wonderful bliss. “I am no longer cold.”

“I am glad to hear it.”

Sexual hunger roughed his tone, yet he made no move to seduce her. She dazedly admired his commitment and his restraint.