“A caller,” she parroted, stiffening.

“Yes, my lady, Lord Raymore. I’ve escorted him to the blue parlor.”

Good heavens. “Thank you, Mrs. McCreevy, I will be there soon.”

The housekeeper bobbed and departed. Lucinda had never permitted a gentleman to call on her before at her townhouse in Mayfair. She was not even aware the earl had her address.

“Is that the earl who has been flattering you with his attentions?” Rosa asked, popping a scone in her mouth, and chewing thoughtfully. “Will you marry him?”

“I will forever be astonished at the leaps and bounds your thoughts make,” Lucinda said standing. “The earl and I are merely friends. I shall return soon. You can continue with packing for our journey to Derbyshire. The carriage will depart in two hours.”

Rosa groaned. “Must we visit?”

“Yes. I promised mama we would. Now off you go.”

Patting her hair to ensure it was still held in its chignon, she padded down the hallway to the blue parlor, curious as to why the earl had chased her to town. It was evident he had, given that the house party would continue on for a few more days. She entered the room and he surged to his feet, his handsome face creasing in a smile.

“My dear, Lucinda, how wonderful to see you,” he said warmly.

Her steps faltered.Lucinda?He had always called her Lady Darby. Masking her startled expression, she smiled. “Lord Raymore, this is a surprise. What brings you to my home?”

“Please, call me Colin. I do believe we are beyond such formalities.”

Those words reminded her of another night and another earl, and she loathed how her heart lurched. “Yes, Colin, most certainly.”

The earl sat, and she lowered herself onto the sofa opposite him, and gave him her regard. He was staring at her with an intensity that was unfamiliar and surprising. She sucked in a breath. Had he found out that she had entered his room that night? Oh dear.

“My lord…Colin—”

“My presence seems to have caught you off guard and I am sorry for it, but surely you know why I am here.”

He reached out and took her fingers between his hand. “I wish I had the words to flatter you appropriately in the way you deserve, but I am a simple man and not given much to romantic words though you inspire them in me. I am hoping you would do me the great honor of becoming my wife.”

Lucinda snatched her fingers from Colin’s grasp as if she had been burned. “You are making me a marriage offer?”

A frown flickered over his face. “Yes.”

She stared at him, her lips parted, a hand pressed over her thumping heart. “My lord…I…I have already been married twice and…I do not intend to marry again. Please forgive me for having to refuse your offer, my lord.”

He jolted, his eyes widening. It struck her then he had never anticipated that she might reject his proposal.

“We get along, Lucinda,” he said stiffly.

“We do. You are most handsome, charming, and a wonderful conversationalist. I simply do not wish to marry again. I’ve had that fortune twice and it was…I daresay it was enough.”

The earl stood and without speaking walked away with the air of a gentleman whose masculine dignity had been injured. She should have let him go, but Lucinda rose and took a step forward. “Colin?”

The intimate use of his name stopped him. The earl turned around and came back to her. “Have you changed your mind?”

“No,” she said with a small smile to soften the sting. “I wanted to mention your…possible current mistress.”

He stiffened, his eyes narrowing thoroughly. “Is that your objection? I can assure you—”

“Please Colin, it is not.” She took a step closer to him. “I have heard whispers that you are enamored with Miss Minerva Reid. You have been discreet in your admiration, but I have seen her look upon you on numerous occasions, and I do feel she loves you. I have spoken to her several times and found her a charming lady, perhaps you might pay her your address.”

His throat worked and a tight grimace crossed his face. “Unfortunately Miss Minerva is not an heiress.”

Lucinda’s eyes widened. “I was not aware your estates were indebted.”