“The wrong bed, as in you actually entered the bed and discovered that it was someone else, not Lord Raymore?”

Assuming this to be a rhetorical question, Lucinda made no reply.

“Oh, my heavens! You must have been scared.”

Lucinda groaned. “I was everythingbutscared.”

“Was this…gentleman appalled?”

“He was naked…and willing.”

Theo’s lips parted, and no sound emerged. She cleared her throat and said, “Tell me everything from the beginning! But let me call Charity and Prue!”

A few minutes later, Lucinda stood and made her way to the smaller drawing room on the second floor, where they usually met. Her dearest friends spilled in behind her, Theo carrying four glasses and Prudence a carafe of sherry. Charity closed the door behind her, assuring them of privacy.

“The other ladies are occupied writing some of the most astonishing dares and wagers on the board. I feel we might need to rein in their enthusiasm or have several scandals on our hands,” Charity said, laughing.

They sat on the sofas, curling their bare feet under their legs.

“Now tell us what happened in Kent,” Prue said, her eyes gleaming with curiosity.

Lucinda took a few sips of her sherry before she told them quite succinctly what happened. They stared at her with varying degrees of alarm.

“Whose bed was it?”

She cleared her throat. “The Earl of Chisholm.”

“Oh, my,” Charity said, grinning. “I am familiar with him. He is rather handsome. What did you do? Scream and run from the room?”

At her silence, heat climbed into her cheeks. Her friends' eyes grew wider and wider.

“Lucinda!” Prue cried out, laughing. “You and he…you…”

“Yes,” she said, wriggling her nose, then laughed. “And it was wonderful.”

They dissolved into laughter, and she laughed with them, the tension which had clutched at her throat perfectly dissolved.

“Why do you look so scared?” Prue asked.

“I think perhaps it was too wonderful,” Lucinda said softly. “And he does not seem to be a man given to attachment. He said so himself.”

Her friends exchanged glances, and she groaned. “Please do not start plotting my marriage!”

“We know you have no wish to marry again but perhaps—”

“There is no but. It was only a night…” She took a deep breath. “I hardly encountered the earl before in society, and I see no reason why that should change. I am sure we will hardly see each other again, and if we do, we will be indifferent acquaintances at best. Now I feel as if a vigorous bout of fencing would do me well. Will you ladies join me?” she said, wondering why her heart had clutched so eagerly at the thought of seeing the earl again.

Oh drat.

* * *

Alexander urgedthe stallion he rode around the lanes of the estate at a breakneck speed. The hooves thundered on the earth, and a surge of exhilaration filled his veins. Riding was one of his most enjoyed pastimes, and he rode at top speed for several minutes before he reined in the animal to a slow trot. The sound of a rider made him glance over his shoulder, and Alexander wheeled his stallion around and cantered to meet Raymore.

“A few gentlemen are discussing a cricket match with stakes. Will you join us? The ladies plan to play a game of croquet on the eastern lawns,” Raymore said by way of greeting, drawing his horse alongside Alexander’s.

“I must decline. My carriage is being readied.”

A startled look entered his friend’s eyes. “You are leaving too?”