“You do not even see it, do you?” she said, sudden humor dancing in her eyes.

He narrowed his gaze. See what? The countess laughed airily and sauntered away. Instantly she was dismissed from his awareness, and he made his way down the stairs to Frederica. Several people attempted to speak with him, but he only nodded politely, his path sure. There was a ripple of annoying interest when he stopped before her. Freddie’s entire face lit with pleasure.

“I was not certain you were here, my lord. I’d not heard you announced.”

“I slipped in,” he said softly. “And how have you been enjoying the ball.”

“Oh, it has been a delight,” she said a bit wistfully.

He held out his hand. “Would you do me the honor of this dance, Freddie?”

Her lips parted, and she froze. Percy felt like an ass for never asking again after she had stepped on his toes and slammed her forehead into his chin. She had been fumbling, hardly knowing the steps, and her enthusiasm had not made up for it but allowed more room for error. The gossip had been horrendous, and he had used his influence and money to keep the mention of it from several papers. And because of her mortification, he had never attempted to broach the topic with her.

“A waltz was announced, my lord,” she said, unexpected mirth dancing in her eyes. “Are you not fretting for your toes and forehead?”

“You are not tall enough. Anything above my chin is where my devastating beauty resides,” he said drolly.

“You are adept at self-flattery.” She laughed, and after taking a deep, delighted breath, she placed her hand in his. As he led her onto the floor, she whispered, “My word! Do you see how much interest we are exciting? It is not as if they do not know I am your ward.”

She very well knew many recalled her mortifying incident and found great interest now in reminding those who had missed this gaffe. There was a murmur of anticipation from the throng. “I think a few ladies are expecting me to fall on my face,” she said with a rueful grin. “I am of little consequence, but I believe a newspaper man is busy scribbling away in the corner. He must be eager for me to fail in order for him to have something to write about.”

“I’ll catch you,” Percy said. “And any paper who slanders you will be burned to the ground.”

She laughed. “We must discuss your tendency toward violence whenever someone irks me one day, my lord. I am not sure if it is flattering or alarming.” Excitement sparkled in her eyes. “Worry not. I shall not embarrass you.”

“You could never embarrass me,” he said gruffly.

“Prepare to be delighted,” she said on a throaty purr that slid wickedly over his skin and buried deep, stirring something that had been dormant for months.

A pulse of heat curled through him, and for a moment, it was Percy who stumbled. While he’d had dreams, he’d been careful to ensure they stayed buried behind, a reminder of his duty and care. The sensation tugging insistently low in his belly shocked him, and he ruthlessly stamped upon it.

He failed. Terribly. For his head swam when she sensually swept into the movement of the waltz with such lithe grace she stole his breath. He had to struggle against a sudden urge to tighten his hold and pull her closer. They danced, and the ton watched. The only thing that mattered was Frederica's radiance as she twirled and spun into the movement with graceful exuberant.

“You practiced,” he murmured. “You dance beautifully.”

She gave him a dazzlingly bright smile. “I had wonderful and patient teachers.”

Percy spun her out in a twirl and considered the pleased curve of her mouth. “Now, Freddie, you’ve been living under my roof since you’ve journeyed to London. When and how have you learned?”

She leaned forward almost conspiratorially. “I belong to a salon of sorts with several other wonderful ladies. I learned there.”

A salon? His Aunt Cecily went to a historical society salon once weekly, where the members rapturously discussed fossils. He had never heard of Frederica also belonging to one. He could not tell if she joked, but it was all perfectly possible given her change over these last few months. Grief for her dear brother had dampened her spirits for a long time, but he’d seen an awakening inside of Freddie and had been damn thankful for it. If this supposed salon was responsible, Percy owed them.

They danced in delighted silence, and when it ended, he almost wished he could take her to the floor for a second time. But that would not do and would incite too much speculation. It was almost a blessing she was not considered a beauty or the speculation that he was bedding her would be rife. Guardian or no. As it were, none seemed to think he would be interested in his ward.

After escorting her to the sidelines, Percy made the rounds before venturing into the gardens to smoke a cheroot. She found him only a few minutes later and begged his leave to depart early. He obliged, called for the carriage and an hour later, they were at his townhouse. Freddie had not lingered but yawned indelicately and went up the stairs to her chamber. Percy went into the library, thinking the night was early yet and he could go over the paperwork the steward had left for his perusal on his desk over repairs to the farmworkers’ cottages on his estate. He wanted to be a good landowner and not only make more from his land but make things more pleasant for his workers.

Percy found that escape into work eluded him. He could not stop thinking about the mockery in the countess’s eyes and the words she had uttered when she had called Freddie a mouse. Freddie really was not the most fashionable lady in how she was dressed, and he could perfectly envision her clad in a dark green gown cut to fit her body to perfection, a hint of décolletage, matching gloves and slippers, with artfully arranged curls about her face. He had been remiss in not adorning her in clothes that were in the height of fashion and jewels that would complement her tone and prettiness

He had been guided by his aunt in that matter, and Frederica had seemed indifferent to her wardrobe. She dressed like a debutante in pale colors, simple designs that were not at all flattering to her vibrancy. She needed to be garbed in garments and jewelry like the richest and most beautiful diamond of the season. Then this buffoon whom she liked might notice her. Once he danced and walked out with her, Frederica’s natural wit and intelligence should capture his regard.

That is what he would help her to do. Not this bloody nonsense about learning to kiss and flirt. That was simply an utter recipe for disaster. Percy was certain her natural loveliness would see any man quickly falling in love with her or that plenty of suitors would like her enough that they would ardently court her.

Thinking about how quiet she had seemed, he headed up the stairs and made his way to her chamber. Percy knocked and smiled when an annoyed voice bid him to enter. He opened the door and hovered in the doorway.

She was in bed with the covers drawn to her chin and a frilly lace cap covering her head.

“Aren’t you bald, Sprite?” he murmured. “What are you covering up with that awful lace cap?”