“You should touch him,” he said. “Barely. An accidental touch on his shoulders, an idling caress on his arms. Then at a specific moment when you allow your touch to linger, meet his eyes…hold it for a count of three, smile, lower your regard and then hurryingly remove your hand from his.”

She mulled it over in her thoughts as they drew their horses to a stop by a cusp of trees. He dismounted and assisted her down. Painfully aware of his hands about her waist, she grabbed his arms to steady herself as he set her down.

“Thank you, my lord. I assure you…these pointers are wonderful.”

She met his eyes. One…two…three…Then Frederica smiled slowly and dropped her hand from his arms.

The marquess inhaled sharply. “You wretch, are you testing your wiles on me?”

“Of course not. I am practicing your lesson. They are far different matters. Did it work?”

Before he could retort, a surprised voice said, “Miss Williams! What great fortune to encounter you here.”

She whirled around to see Lord Thomas cantering over on a pretty white stallion. There was a peculiar warmth in his regard, and with a sense of astonishment, Frederica realized he might have found her amiable at their encounter.

“I am gratified to see you both today my lord,” Lord Thomas said doffing his hat to the marquess and bowing to Freddie. “A group of my friends are getting up a party to picnic at Chiswick House next week and I wondered if I might be permitted to escort Miss Williams to the event?”

From what Frederica recalled Theo saying, this was an invitation that many of the ton had not been granted, but it seemed that the Devonshires had permitted the excursion. The gardens originally designed by William Kent was mostly classical in inspiration, but it had the addition of a three-hundred-foot conservatory some years ago which permitted growing tropical fruits and camelia and a geometric garden which was a recent novelty.

“A charming idea,” the marquess said.

“Well you join us, Your Lordship?” Lord Thomas politely invited.

The marquess glanced at Lord Thomas with an indifferent expression. “I wish I could join you, young people. I hear the house is very beautiful and the gardens sound a perfect place for a picnic. Unfortunately, next week I have some business I must attend to. I assume the event will be properly chaperoned?”

“Yes of course, my sister, Lady Fairley will be joining us along with a couple of her acquaintance. So, everything will be properly managed, my lord,” Lord Thomas said eagerly.

Frederica thought for a picnic he was being rather straight-laced but that might be an act to appeal to her guardian who looked at Lord Thomas with great inscrutability.

Lord Thomas turned his amiable smile toward her. “Say, you will come, Miss Williams, it will be great fun!”

“Should I accept, my lord?” Freddie asked Percy, glancing up at him through her long dark lashes.

“Oh, definitely, what time will you be expected to return?” Percy asked.

Frederica sighed silently. The marquess did not seem to care she might spend the day with another gentleman. His question sounded like a concerned guardian and not a jealous lover.

“Oh, we will be back by half past four at the very latest, my lord,” Lord Thomas ardently declared.

After exchanging a few more pleasantries, he bowed and departed.

“Congratulations,” the marquess said coolly. “Your gentleman is coming up to scratch.”

Oh drat!

Frederica paused, uncertain of his reaction. “Are you sure you do not wish to picnic with us?”

“And be reminded of my old age by all the giggling and useless conversation that will be had?”

“I did notice another gray hair this morning,” she said with studied seriousness.

He sent her such a mournful look she grinned.

“Another delicate lesson, my dear, one must flatter a gentleman’s vanity. You do this by artfully complimenting his handsomeness and engaging in what he has to say. Do you understand?”


“Good, now apply the lesson,” he said drolly. “let me hear how dark, tall, and handsome I am.”

Frederica laughed, and they walked and chatted in the park, leading their horses by the reins for a very long time. How she wished the day would not end.