They stared at each other, and she smiled. “Have I ever thanked you, my lord? For taking me into your home and life so graciously.”

“There are no thanks necessary. I assure you, Sprite, you have brightened my existence.”

She yawned delicately and stretched out her legs. “I do believe I might be off to bed soon.”

He lifted a brow. “Is that a code phrase that you might hie off on some clandestine adventures soon, and you are pretending to retire to bed?”

Frederica laughed. “What you must think of me to even suggest it!”

He made a gruff non-committal sound, but there was laughter lurking in his stare.

“Before I do go to bed,” she said lightly. “I have accepted the invitation to Lady Frescot’s ball for tomorrow evening. I am to wear one of my newer gowns and apparently dazzle the crowd.”

“Not only the crowd,” he murmured, “But the young man for whom you have a tendre.”

“Oh, yes,” she said, injecting anticipation in her tone. “I am so looking forward to seeing him there. I do hope he will attend.”

“Are you ready to reveal his identity?”

“No. But I would dearly love those delicate pointers you promised. I plan to shamelessly flirt with—”

Her words cut off at the sound that came from his throat. If she did not know better, Frederica would think it was a threatening growl.

“Very well, I am corrected by that primitive sound you made. I plan to delicately and in a very lady-like manner flirt with him. May I have those pointers?”

He rose and walked over to her. Not wanting to be at a disadvantage, she hurriedly set down her glass and stood. Percy took her hand gently between his and raised it to his mouth. The kiss was a mere brush, but that small caress had a stirring effect.

“If your gentleman has any sort of charm, when he approaches you, he might take your hand as I did just now. Many debutantes tend to avoid direct eye contact with a gentleman. Meet his eyes. For three seconds. Allow the merest hint of a smile to touch your mouth, then demurely lower your lashes.”

“What will that do?”

“He will be entranced.”

She sniffed. “How do you know.”

“Your eyes are beyond lovely. Your smile is one of the most ravishing I have ever seen. The mere hint of it should have the fool’s heart racing, and he will be paying attention.”

Everything inside her went warm, and she did her best to not smile and reveal her delight. “I see,” she whispered. “What else?”

“That is your only pointer. It should be enough. We do not want him to think you are a careless flirt or a coquette. I expect your wit to carry the rest of the conversation.”

“What if he does not ask me to dance.”

“That would be his loss. But I suspect he will ask you.”

He used a long, elegant finger to tap the tip of her nose. Freddie felt too pleased with him to mutter at him, treating her like a little sister. “I bid you good night, my lord. I fear the shopping for the last few days exhausted me more than I anticipated.”

She whirled away and paused with her hand on the latch when he called her name. Frederica glanced over her shoulder to see the marquess walking toward her with three boxes.

“If it pleases you,” he said, “Please accept these gifts.”

Her heart twisting, she released the latch and went to him. The first one opened to reveal a three-piece diamond set, a necklace and a pair of earbobs. They winked in the dim light of the room, and she hesitated to touch them. The other two boxes revealed similar sets, one white pearl set and the other a ruby set. They must have cost a fortune. “I cannot…I cannot accept…”

He dipped slightly and pressed a kiss to her forehead. She closed her eyes against the feelings that pierced her chest.

“You can,” he said. “Please take them.”

Unable to speak, she took the boxes, stretched up onto her toes, and brushed her kiss of thanks to his cheek. She whirled around and hurried from the room. Before closing the door, she glanced up and faltered. The marquess’s eyes were closed, and two of his fingers were pressed to the spot on his jaw that her lips had just been.

He, too, was savoring the feel of her against his skin.

Oh, Percy.