She glanced at Charity who had stood and fisted a hand at her slim hip. Her hazel eyes brightly flecked with green gleamed. “Idareyou to seduce your husband, most thoroughly.”

A bloody dare.

“Women do not seduce…” she began faintly, bemused at the thrill of excitement thrumming in her veins. Seduce Oscar. Where would she even begin? “I know nothing about seduction.”

Lucinda stood, hurried from the room without a word, only to return a minute later puffing.

Prue looked at the sheen of sweat on her friend’s brow. “What did you do?”

“Ran to the library and back,” she said with a grin, holding up a dark leather-bound book. It was rather small, and Prue did not recall seeing it before in the library.

“This is from Theo’s special collection,” Lucinda said, plopping down on the sofa. “Gather around girls.”

Everyone scrambled closer, while Charity poured sherry in four glasses and handed them out.

“So early in the morning?” Harriet demanded with an arched eyebrow.

Charity grinned as she poured herself a glass. “I have the sneaky suspicion if we are to peruse a book from Theo’s secret collection we will need strong libation.”

Prue took her glass and sipped the sweet but tangy liquor.

“This book,” Lucinda said, “will show you many ways to a man’s, ummm, heart.”

“So, it is about seduction,” Agatha said excitedly. “Thank heavens. There is a very stubborn vicar I have been trying to persuade to marry me.”

Lucinda blinked. “I do not believe these are the tools to use on a man of God.”

Agatha sent her a saucy wink and Lucinda rolled her eyes.

“It will be shocking to your sensibilities, ladies. Prepare yourselves.”

Heavens, Agatha and Harriet looked flushed and nervous. Charity’s expression was inscrutable. It was a glimpse of something naughty and forbidden. An electrifying thrill coursed through Prue and she leaned forward. “If this book is too naughty for our perusal, I shall look at it in private.”

“A perfectly sensible suggestion—” Charity began, her cheeks turning rosy as she opened the book in the middle and peeked inside.

“You would not dare!” Agatha said, lunging for it. “I am tired of being kept in the dark, and why must only gentlemen be aware of what happens to our bodies. The very cheek of it is astounding. The very suggestion that we might have heart palpitations should we know beforehand what happens between a man and a woman is entirely ridiculous. Is that not setting us up to be taken advantage of by rakes and libertines?”

“I do agree with Agatha,” Harriet said, her eyes gleaming. “Open it, Lucinda.”

She complied, and Prue almost dropped her drink on the carpet. They gasped in unison and every cheek pinkened. But no one turned away from the erotic images illustrated in such vivid details. Prue had never witnessed something so…wonderfully scandalous. Admittedly the images depicted in the book were more carnal than she’d anticipated. Glancing up, she noted the wicked gleam in Charity’s eyes.

“Have you ever done any of these things?” Prue asked, striving for a worldly air.

Charity’s laugh echoed with naughtiness. “Not as yet.” A wistful smile curved her mouth. “But perhapsverysoon.”

“Seduction is about knowing how to arouse a man’s body,” Lucinda murmured, tracing a finger over one of the images. “Men are extraordinarily carnal creatures who like to be touched, kissed, petted, and stroked over their entire body.”

“Everywhere?” Prue demanded a bit breathlessly.


“It is important to know that the seduction of someone is not only about pleasures of the flesh. You must also intrigue his thinking. Entice him with laughter and witty anecdotes. Flatter his vanity but with a subtle touch. Create intimacy so that trust can build between you. And when there is that trust and intimacy, the pleasure will be even greater.”

Trust and intimacy.

Craving erupted in Prue’s chest.I want that. Laughter and friendship. Nothing she said to Oscar would be a false flattery, that she could not do. She wanted honesty between them. Love.

Agatha gasped and Prue lowered her eyes to that new page.