Page 65 of Kiss Now, Lie Later

New opportunities.

Endless possibilities.

The song ends, but neither of us moves away. Wes doesn’t say anything. I’d think I was leaning against a wall, if not for the heat his body is exuding and the thud of his heartbeat against my back. It’s not until a car whizzes by, sending a spray of water that misses us by inches, that we both move.

I dash back toward the passenger side door. Only one thought crosses my mind as I make the short journey through the rapidly falling drops of water.

That I hope the possibilities between Wes and me always feel this limitless.



Maeve leans over and kisses me as soon as I park the car outside my uncle’s cabin.

It’s not a quick, cursory, goodbye kiss. She climbs across the middle console to straddle me, and I groan as I slip my hands underneath the soft sweater she’s wearing. She shivers as my hands meet her smooth, warm skin, and begins to gyrate her body against mine in a way that makes thinking clearly extremely difficult.

Which is why I pull away before I can’t think at all.

The only sound is the tapping of rain against the roof of my car and our heavy breathing.

“Why did you stop?” Maeve whispers.

“Did you not want me to?” I ask, smirking at her.

Maeve huffs out a laugh. “Of course not. Especially on my birthday.”

“I don’t want you to think I’m only after one thing.”

Her eyes soften. “I don’t think that.” Maeve pauses. “You said we could do whatever I wanted to.”

“I also said I was in no rush. It’s a big deal, Maeve.”

“How many girls have you slept with?” she counters.

I tense slightly at the question no guy wants to answer, and our bodies are still pressed together, so I’m sure she can tell.

“Sev—uh, eight,” I admit.

I can tell by the way she stills it’s more than she expected.

“I’m not going to apologize for my past, Maeve. But none of them meant anything to me. It sounds shitty to say, but it’s true. I couldn’t even tell you most of their names.”

“I don’t expect you to apologize, Wes,” Maeve replies. “But that’s—that’s a lot of girls to be compared to.”

“There’s no comparison, Maeve. I’ve never had sex with a girl I have feelings for. I have feelings for you.”

I’m tempted to tell her just how strong my feelings are, but immediately following a revelation of my sexual history doesn’t feel like the perfect moment.

Maeve studies my face in the dim light cast by the dashboard for a long moment. “I told my parents I was spending the night at Sarah’s,” she confides.

My heartbeat quickens. “You did?” I say, like an idiot. Because she literally just said so. But she also just said a lot more than that.

She nods, biting her lip.

“You’re sure?”

“I’m sure.” There’s no hint of hesitation in her voice.