“Yeah. Thanks. I’m going to change and then head out.”

“All right. I’ll see you later.”

I nod. “Thanks, Dad.”

It doesn’t take me long—to change and drive to the spot I told Natalie to meet me.

She beats me there. I park in a spot two spaces down from her car, watching as she leans against the bumper, spinning her keys around one finger.

We’re in Camden, a small town close to the Rhode Island border. It’s usually touristy and crowded, especially during the summer months. Not many people from Glenmont—or Alleghany—make the effort to drive all the way here when there’s a lake in their own backyard. Which makes it perfect for our purposes.

I’m not sure if Natalie has noticed me yet. She’s wearing sunglasses and a sunhat, appearing lost in thought as the keys spin. There’s a group of teenage guys gathered around a truck across the lot, most of them eyeing her.

When I reach Natalie, I intentionally stop in a spot I know will block their view. I have no idea why I feel so possessive toward her. Natalie is more than capable of taking care of herself. Also highly relevant is the fact she’s not mine. We’re not dating. We’re not friends.

But still, the thought of another guy checking her out pisses me off.

She looks up, a slow, easy smile spreading across her face. I haven’t seen her since Wes’s party.

I forgot how fucking stunning she is.

There’s something magnetic about Natalie, some pull that draws me in. Up untilveryrecently, I never could have imagined meeting a girl from Alleghany secretly. Yet here I am. In my head, I hear Maeve sayingI couldn’t help how I feltand Wes telling meFind what matters more.

I dismiss both thoughts. As far as I know, they’re still in some version of a rough patch. Neither is in a position to be giving me relationship advice. Wes probably meant for me to pick up a hobby, not sneak around with his ex…something. Earlier, it felt like we finally found some common ground. That some resentment had faded. But I’m also realizing, looking at the blonde in front of me, that I might be adding to the list of resentments, rather than crossing anything off.

Beating me in football and dating my sister suddenly sound like nothing in comparison to knowing he has a history with her.


“Hey,” I repeat, watching her lips curve up. “Sorry I’m a little late.”

“It’s 3:02, Liam.”

“We said three,” I reply. “So, technically, I’m late.”

I can literally feel any cool slipping away as I speak. I’m not just drawn to Natalie, I act like a middle schooler with a crush around her.

She laughs, shaking her head as she stands.

We cross the asphalt of the parking lot, walk down the worn grass path, and end up on the beach.

“Have you been to Camden before?” I ask as we weave around blankets and bags left in the sand in search of a spot.

I’m not at my wittiest around her, that’s for damn sure.

“Yeah, a couple of times. It’s been a while, though.”

I hum an acknowledgment to her answer, trying to quickly come up with something else to say. I’ve never beenthisunsure around her before, and I think it has a lot to do with the fact we’re meeting intentionally. It’s usually been some form of happenstance. Showing up somewhere and knowing she’d be there too, isn’t a normal occurrence.

Not only did that not allow me time to get nervous, it also felt like a free pass. Like a coincidence that could be taken advantage of.

Right now feels like something different.

“This good?”


Natalie tosses a towel from her oversized bag onto the ground and sprawls out. I sink down beside her, staring out at the water.