My fists clench.Jesus.

“So that’s it, then.”

“That’s it, then?Maeve, you’re theonlyreason I’m considering this. You know why I accepted Lincoln’s offer.”

“Isn’t it too late to transfer?”

Weston laughs. “Maeve, they want me bad. They’ll bend whatever rules they need to, so long as it doesn’t violate anything with the NCAA.”

There’s a long stretch of silence. “We should go into the other room,” my mom whispers. “Give them some privacy.”

But none of us move.

“It’s your decision, Wes,” Maeve finally says.

“No, it’s not, Maeve.”

“When were you going to tell me?”

“Honestly? I don’t know. I was worried you might react this way. And what does that say about us, huh? I tell you I want to be closer to you, and your reaction is to push me away.”

“That isnotwhat I’m doing. Don’t you dare put words in my mouth, Wes. You said we were strong enough to get through these four years. You said you wanted to go to Lincoln. Don’t blame me for wondering why you changed your mind.”

“Wondering?Maeve, Iloveyou. Imissyou. How is it hard to understand that I don’t want to be hundreds of miles away? That I’m tired of FaceTiming? That I’m sick of going to parties alone and having girls all over me?”

“Isthatwhat this is really about? You’re not getting laid enough?”

Now, I wish we had stopped listening. Although it is amusing to watch my parents exchange an uncomfortable glance.

There’s a long pause.

“I’m going to go,” Weston finally says. “I need some time. Some space.”

“We’re supposed to go to South Carolina in two days.”

“Tell your family—tell them whatever the hell you want. I need some space, Maeve.”

“I thought the problem was you havetoo much space? We were supposed to spend a whole week together, and now you don’t want to?”

The voices grow more muffled, Maeve or Wes both moving further away.

“You knew?” I ask my dad again.

“Liam—” he starts, then is cut off by the door slamming and the rapid thud of steps up the stairs as Maeve comes inside.

My mom sighs, shutting her book. “I’ll go talk to her.”

She passes me and heads upstairs after Maeve, while I continue staring at my dad.

He sighs. “It wasn’t my place to say anything. Not until he’d made a decision.”

“If he transfers, I’ll never start for Arlington. You realize that, right?”

“You don’t know that for certain, Liam.”

I scoff. “Pretty sure I do.”
