“Right,” I confirm, smiling back. “You had the golden with you, yeah?”

“Uh-huh,” she replies, her smile widening even further. She’s obviously pleased I remember her.

Annoyingly, I’m more focused on how Natalie looks displeased.

“I’m Audrey,” she adds.


“Really nice to meet you, Liam.” She holds my gaze for a few seconds before glancing at Natalie. “Hey. You must be Natalie. Tessa has mentioned you before.”


That’s all Natalie says. But there’s an edge to the syllable that has me glancing over to try and tell if she’s actually jealous. She’s looking at the ocean, her profile backlit by the bright sunshine.

“Come get food, guys!” Tessa calls.

Everyone crowds around the coolers. I grab a turkey sub and a soda, sitting with Parker and the rest of the guys. The girls end up on a nearby blanket. The gender segregation feels a lot like middle school.

Gus and I talk about football, mostly. He played in high school but didn’t continue into college.

After lunch, clothes start flying. The sun is hot and merciless, making the white-capped water look especially enticing. There’s the inevitable slew of side-glances as everyone strips down to swimsuits.

One body belongs to a girl I shouldn’t be checking out. So, of course, that’s where my eyes go first.

I’m not really prepared for the jolt of lust. Tons of girls parade past the lifeguard stand at work in skimpy swimsuits. I’ve never had much trouble staying focused on the job.

But Natalie in a bikini? If she ever showed up at Glenmont’s country club—unlikely based on the address—someone could drown.

Her eyes are on mine, watching me check her out. I swallow, glad we’re about to enter a body of cold water. My blood heats, especially when I register I’m not the only guy looking at her.

I turn, abruptly, and jog toward the ocean. The temperature of the water is refreshing. I spend summers swimming in the pool or at the lake. The only other times I’ve been in the ocean have been when I was visiting my grandparents in South Carolina. Down there, the water is much warmer.

I dive under the first wave I encounter, relishing the smooth glide as I swim underwater before surfacing again. Shouts and laughs follow behind as everyone else enters the ocean as well.

My gaze stays on the horizon ahead for a minute. Dark blue water stretches into what appears to be infinity, only interrupted by the lighter shade of the sky.

When I finally turn around, most of the guys are in up to their waists. The girls are closer to shore, cautiously entering the sea. All but one. Natalie is surging ahead, just as I did. Our eyes meet, the same way they seem to keep doing.

She arches one eyebrow and I arch one right back.

Natalie dives under a passing wave.

And this thing between us feels the furthest thing from finished.



“So, what’s the deal with you and Liam?” Tessa asks.

My fork full of salad wavers halfway to my mouth. We’re eating dinner before sailing in Tyler’s boat over to a nearby point for an outdoor concert. The boys have already finished eating and are upstairs changing.

I chew. Swallow.

“You know. Our…towns are enemies.”

“Right, yeah, Parker said.”