I pull out my phone to see a bunch of messages from Matt and Sam. I reply, letting them know I’m on my way, and then put my phone away. I should probably tell them whose car I’m riding in, but I don’t feel like dealing with the barrage of messages right now.

It’s not until we’re almost to the lake that I tune back into Maeve and Wes’s conversation.

“…making an effort,” Maeve is saying.

“I guess.” Weston sounds reluctant.

“You said you would be open to it if he tried.”

“Yeah, because I didn’t think hewould.”

“When does he want you to come?”

“Weekend after next.”

“Fourth of July?”


They’re talking about Weston’s father, I gather. In addition to envy regarding his throwing arm, I’m jealous of his ability to stand up to his dad; something I’ve never been able to do. However unsavory the reasons for their estrangement are—I’ve only heard rumors, I don’t swap small talk with the guy, let alone anything of substance—I’m jealous Mr. Cole treats his son like one, not just another player on his roster.

“He got tickets. For a Falcons practice,” Weston adds. “Three. Said I could bring someone.”

“Chris will lose his shit.”

It’ll never not be weird to hear my sister mention the names of guys who used to taunt me on the field so casually. Chris Fields gave me a bruise that lasted weeks junior year.

Weston laughs. “Yeah. But I want you to come with me, not him.”

I shift uncomfortably as I keep my gaze trained out the window. Do they really need to have this conversation right now?

“He wants to book it right away. I think he’s worried I won’t come otherwise.”

“Wes, I’m sure he meant it as a guy’s trip,” Maeve replies. “I don’t even think your dad likes me.”

“Yes, he does. He asked about you yesterday, while we were car shopping.”

“Like in ayou’re still with her?way?”

Weston chuckles. “Monogamyisa foreign concept to him.”

Infidelity was included in the rumors going around about the Coles’ divorce, but this is the first confirmation I’ve gotten of that fact.

“Miami is supposed to be fun.”

“By fun, I assume you mean sweltering. No one goes to Florida in the summer for vacation, Cole.”

Once again, Weston laughs. Granted, I haven’t exactly spent a lot of time around the guy, but I’ve never heard him express this much amusement. Express much of anything. “His new place has a pool.” He pauses. “Please, Maeve.”

“If you want me there, of course I’ll go, Wes.”

There’s a heavy pause in the car. With it comes the realization Maeve hasn’t stayed with Weston Cole just to prove a point to everyone who called her a traitor. The realization my sister is in love with a former Alleghany quarterback—the real thing, not teenage hormones—stings more than knowing he’s fooled around with her in the backseat of a car. The possibility I could end up with Weston fucking Cole as mybrother-in-lawone day suddenly hits me.

“Thanks,” Weston says, gruffly.

“Yeah,” Maeve replies, softly.

I need to get out of this car. Thankfully, Weston parks at the lake about thirty seconds later. I’m the first one out of the SUV.