Maeve rolls her eyes. “I talked to Mike.”

Mike is the club’s manager, and technically my boss, though he’s only a few years older, just out of college.

“He said I can use the pool deck as long as a lifeguard is there. I’d ask Matt, but…”

But Matt is the only person less likely than me to help out with Weston Cole’s birthday party. I sigh. “That means I’ll have tobeat his party.”

“And people think I’m the smart twin.”

When I don’t do much as crack a smile, she rolls her eyes.

“Please, Liam? I know you have your issues with him, and I get it. I really do. But he’s my boyfriend. Ilovehim.”

Dammit. She isn’t pulling any punches.

“I know you do.”

Following the moment with Natalie in the pool house earlier, I’m flooded with fresh reminders of how right it can feel with the wrong person. It softens me more than Maeve playing on my sympathy.

“It would mean a lot to me,” she adds. “And him.”

At that last comment, I snort. Somehow, I doubt Weston Cole is losing any sleep over the fact that he and I aren’t best buddies. “Yeah. Sure it would.”

Maeve hesitates. “So?” Hope saturates the single syllable.

“You realize you’re asking me to help host anAlleghany party? No one will want me there. I won’t want to be there. And I highly doubt Cole is going to tell off any of his buddies on my behalf. I could lose my job if shit goes sideways.”

“I won’t let that happen. I talked to Chris already. He’ll handle the guest list from Alleghany. He promised it would stay under control. It’s a party, not a football game.”

“Are you inviting our friends?” I ask.

“That’s up to you. Brooke, Sarah, and Maggie will all be there. Becca said she’d come too.”

I laugh. “Maeve.Up to me? Even ifIshow, there’s no way the guys will.”

“Wanna bet?”

“I’d feel bad…taking your money.”

She rolls her eyes. “You’re so stubborn, Liam. Just admit—every guy in Glenmont idolizes you.”

“I’mstubborn? Just admit you’re trying to mix oil and water, Maeve. I mean, what’s the point of this?”

“Thepointis that I want to throw a party for Weston and invite our friends—regardless of where they live. That shouldn’t be too much to ask!”

“But it is!” I reply. “That’s what you don’t seem to get. You hooking up with Alleghany’s golden boy didn’t change things for anyone but you.”

“Who cares where he lives? It shouldn’t matter!”

“I didn’t come up with the rivalry, Maeve. It is what it is.”

“You didn’t come up with it, but you’re perpetuating it.”

“I don’t have to live my life based on your decisions,” I snap. “You want to date a guy from Alleghany, fine. That doesn’t change how I feel about anything.”

Maeve shakes her head. “Wow. Thanks for the support, Liam.”

“You knew what it was going to be like. Being with him. Don’t blame anyone but yourself—if things aren’t changing simply because you started hoping they magically would.”