“Where did you hear that?”

“People talk,” I reply.

Natalie processes that for a minute. “You never answered my question.”

“You never answered mine. And what the hell do you care, how I pick up girls?”

“Like you said, people talk.”

“About myflirting?”



I’m expecting another dodge of an answer. I’m certainly not expecting her to shrug and respond, “Because you’re hot.”

It’s difficult to say which catches me off guard more—the words or the casual, assured way she says them.

“Sounds like we should go sailing,” Parker says, nudging my arm. I’m not sure if it was intentional or not.

He and Tessa start discussing coves and tide charts and something about an outdoor concert. I focus on my eggs and then help clean up from breakfast.

Parker says he told some of his friends who live nearby we’d meet them down on the beach. Some of the names he lists off sound familiar, but there were too many new faces to fully absorb. I head upstairs and change into my suit and a new shirt, not bothering to shower.

When I head back downstairs, Natalie is the only one around. She’s changed as well, into a dress with visible bathing suit straps. Her head is resting against the glass as she stares outside. She turns her head and raises a brow when I approach.

“What the fuck was that?” I hiss.

“Be more specific. I’m not a mind reader.”

I jerk my chin toward the kitchen table. “Breakfast. What are you getting at?”

“You sent some mixed signals last night.” She crosses her arms, adopting a defensive posture.

“Isent mixed signals?”

“I didn’t shove myself against a railing, Liam.”

I cross my arms back, mirroring her. “You kissed me first.”

“You kissed me back.”

I have no good response to that. It’s a fact. I can deny it, sure, but she’ll still know the truth.

Ididkiss her back.

“You guys ready to go?” Parker asks, suddenly appearing. Tessa is right behind him.

I step back, even though Natalie and I weren’t standing that close to each other. Distance just seems like a good idea. “Yeah.”

Parker leads the way outside. Tessa and Natalie are right behind, whispering to each other about something. I walk out last, closing the sliding door behind us.

Once we reach the sand, Parker heads straight toward a group gathered near one of the lifeguard stands. I should have known by a couple of friends, Parker meant more. Guy is as friendly as I’m closed-off. I’m annoyed to see Tyler is among the group lounging in the sand.

We reach everyone gathered and introductions are tossed around. As the outliers, Natalie and I receive the most looks. Aside from Tyler, there are two other guys: Gus and Colin. Both give me friendly smiles and hand slaps. There are a couple of other girls. One introduces herself as Layla, and the other gives me a wide smile.

“Hey! You were running on the beach this morning, right?”