I’m sulking, and I hate that I am. I baited her into this conversation by noting her lack of breakfast, knowing it would likely lead to an argument. It was supposed to make me feel better, knowing boundaries were still in place between us. That our respective allegiances are stronger than hormones.

Instead, I feel worse.

Parker raises his orange juice. “To an epic weekend. And—” He glances at me. “To Liam and Natalie staying under the same roof and not killing each other!”

I force a smile, and Natalie does too. I don’t want to make things uncomfortable for Parker and Tessa—moreuncomfortable, I guess I should say—and that seems to be one instance of where we’re on the same page.

Parker and Tessa begin discussing plans for the day. I keep my eyes on my plate as I shovel food into my mouth, nodding along to everything I get asked.

Do I want to go swimming? Sure.

Play football on the beach? Sure.

Go into town to get sandwiches? Sure.

“Tyler mentioned his family has a sailboat.” Natalie joins the conversation for the first time. Until now she’s mostly nodded along, same as me. “And that he’s planning to take it out tonight. I wasn’t sure what you guys had in mind, so I said I’d let him know.”

“Sure it wasn’t more of a private invitation?” I mumble between bites of eggs.

Natalie hears me. She leans back in the chair, crossing her arms. “You think I can’t tell when it’s aprivate invitation, Liam?”

I think Tessa might murmurUh-oh, but that might just be my own subconscious.

I shrug, attempting to act like it doesn’t matter to me one way or another. “He was all over you last night.”

“And you carewhy?”

“I don’t careat all. I’m just explaining my reasoning.”

“Your reasoning,” Natalie repeats.


I look down at my plate and shove another forkful of eggs in my mouth, wishing I’d never opened it in the first place and hoping that will be the end of it. Usually, I have no problem staying silent. I’m never the guy who picks a fight. But this morning, I’ve said things to Natalie I knew would start an argument—twice.

“Tell me, Liam, since you’re such anexperton male behavior—”

I swallow and glance up.

Natalie uncrosses her arms and leans forward, so we’re as close as the table will allow. Sunlight illuminates subtle glimpses of her features that were invisible last night—the only time I’ve been closer to her than this. “Is that what a guy does when he’s interested in a girl? Invites her sailing?”

“My parents aren’t rich boat owners, so I have no idea.”

Natalie nods, an infuriating, barely there smile playing on her lips. “Whatdoyou do, then?”

“What do I do what?”

“When you’re into a girl. What do you do?”

Fucking hell. “Looking for pointers to pass along? Alleghany guys aren’t up to the task?”

“They’re fine.”

I laugh. “Not exactly a ringing endorsement. What about Weston?”

“What about him?”

“Didn’t you guys have a thing in high school?”