Page 121 of For Now, Not Forever

It’s not just physical pleasure I’m chasing, as incredible as it feels. It’s the release of relief, knowing she wants this too. Knowing she’s mine in a way I never thought she could be.

Her tongue flicks against my neck before she sucks the skin. I groan and press against her, letting her feel every inch.

“The guys are going to give me shit for that.”

“And the girls will know you’re taken.”

“Fuck.” I pull her lips back to mine and our kiss deepens.

Natalie has never shown any possessiveness toward me. She’s aloof and detached most of the time. And while I’ve seen glimpses of vulnerability, caught moments where it seemed like she felt more, up until today, it never really felt solid. Having her claim me in any way is the biggest turn on I’ve ever experienced.

We stop kissing when the elevator doors open, but we don’t stop touching. I’m right behind her as we reach her apartment, and she fumbles with her keys. She rubs her ass against my straining dick, letting out a breathy moan as my hand creeps under her shirt.

The keys fall to the carpeted hallway.


We’re both breathing heavily. I lean down and grab the keys, fitting one in the lock and hearing it disengage. “You made it look so hard,” I tease.

“Shut up, Stevens.”

I’m laughing when she kisses me again. We stumble into her apartment. I barely have time to shut the front door before she’s pushing me in the direction of what I assume is her bedroom.

“Wow. I feel very single right now.”

I freeze at the sound of the unfamiliar voice, and Natalie does as well.

There are two girls sitting on the couch. One, I recognize. Tessa has her feet up on the coffee table and is painting her nails. The chemical scent burns my nose, something I would have noticed if I weren’t so focused on Natalie. The other girl, I’ve never seen before. She has brown, curly hair and an economics textbook spread across her lap.

“Tessa. Claire. I thought you guys had class,” Natalie says, tugging her shirt down.

“Clearly,” the brunette, Claire, comments, smirking.

Tessa gives me a small wave. “Hey, Liam.”

“Hey, Tessa.” I give her a sheepish smile, then shove my hands in my pockets.

“Liam, this is my other roommate, Claire. Claire, this is Liam. My, uh, boyfriend.”

Claire’s eyebrows just about hit her hairline when she hears the title. I probably look surprised as well. Because I know it’s a detail we just discussed, but it feels different, actually hearing her say it. In a good way. The best way.

Tessa looks triumphant. “Knew it.” She glances at Claire. “Liam came to the Cape house this summer. He and Natalie hate—”Hategets encased in air quotes. “Each other.”

“Really,” Claire drawls. “You guys are like the plot to a romantic comedy.”

Tessa laughs, then glances at her phone. “We gotta go, C.”

“They needed McGregor Hall for some Admissions presentation, so class got pushed a half hour,” Claire explains, standing and shoving the textbook into a backpack on the floor.

Tessa stands too, carefully slipping on a pair of flip-flops and following Claire toward the door.

“Have fun fuc—I mean, hating each other,” Claire calls over one shoulder. Tessa laughs, waves, and then they’re both gone.

I glance at Natalie.

She smiles. “My room is this way.”

I follow her down the hall and to the left. Her bedroom here is decorated similarly to the one back home. I don’t manage more than a quick glimpse before Natalie’s pulling off her shirt, and I’m fully focused on her.