The parking lot is crowded, but I know exactly where I’m headed. Our group always camps out by the volleyball net. I walk straight toward it, not waiting for Maeve or Weston. Maeve knows where she’s going too.

Matt spots me first. He greets me with a wide smile that falls a few seconds later. “What is he doing here?”

“What do you think?” I rummage around in the cooler someone brought and pull out a bottle of water. Cold droplets drip down the side of the plastic and onto my feet. I twist the cap off and take a long drink, watching as Maeve and Weston approach our group.

Maeve heads for her friends first. Brooke, Sarah, and Maggie are all lounging on towels closer to the lake’s shore. I stand around with the rest of the guys, surreptitiously watching Maeve’s friends greet her with hugs and smile at Weston.

Last summer, Maeve hung out with Weston alone. Whenever we had any sort of group get together with our usual crew, she’d show up by herself. She’s sending a message—to me, and to everyone else—that they’re a package deal now.

“So that’s still going strong?” Sam asks.

“What the fuck does it look like?” I drink more water.

“You going to do anything about it?” Matt questions.

I grit my teeth together. “Like what? Maeve can make her own decisions.”

“So we’re all cool with Alleghany now?” Hudson Wells responds. “Kumbaya around the campfire and all that shit? After he—”

“I was there, Wells,” I interrupt. “But she’s my sister andunfortunately, she’s in love with the guy. It’s not going away anytime soon.”

Sam scoffs. “Isn’t he leaving for preseason soon? Lincoln has some crazy summer schedule.”

“I don’t know when he’s leaving. We don’t swap schedules. He’s…he’s coming to South Carolina with us,” I admit.

Matt’s lips thin—a sure sign he’s pissed off. We talked about him coming this year. If Weston is coming, there’s no way he will. But he says nothing.

“He must be messing around on her,” Hudson states.

I glance at him. “Did you hear something?”

“C’mon Stevens. Alleghany girls ate that shit up. He’s thestarting quarterbackatLincoln. There’s no way he’s not double-dipping. Get a photo, show it to Maeve, and that will be that.”

“Like fuck I’d show her that,” I reply. “You didn’t see Maeve after Weston freaked out over that photo of Matt kissing her. I’d rather deal with Cole than see her like that again.”

Matt shifts beside me. The same uncomfortable air around him that exists anytime that night comes up.

“Then one of us can do it,” Hudson suggests.

I sigh and glance over at the girls again. Weston is spreading sunscreen on Maeve’s face. “I don’t think he’s cheating on her.”

Sam shakes his head. “Liam Stevens defending Weston fucking Cole. Never thought I’d see the day.”

“I’m not defending him. I’m stating a fucking fact.”

“Incoming,” Matt mutters.

We all turn to see Maeve and Weston walking toward us. I don’t miss several of my friends checking Maeve out and, based on the scowl on Weston’s face, he doesn’t either.

“Hey, guys,” Maeve says.

A chorus of grunted greetings replies. Most of my former teammates consider Maeve a friend, which is a large part of the adverse reaction to Weston. Honestly, I don’t think many of them would have cared if he’d started dating a random Glenmont girl. Sure, people would have talked. But Maeve ismysister. Stevens and Glenmont football are practically synonymous. They’re the unlikeliest of the unlikely, which is why people still gossip.

Her loyalties were supposed to be clear.

“You guys using the football?” Maeve asks, bending down and picking up the one on the sand.

“No,” Matt replies. “Why, you playing?”