Page 112 of For Now, Not Forever

“Nothing to talk about.”

Wes snorts at that but doesn’t comment otherwise.

“How pissed is Brian?”

“He was drunk off his ass. Chris drove him home to sleep it off.”

“Do you think he’ll try to press charges?”

“No. But I do think he’ll be pissed. You should tell Stevens to watch his back.”

“That would require us talking, which I don’t foresee happening soon. Or ever.”

Wes exhales. “I have no idea what happened between you guys. But icing him out now isn’t going to help, Nat. People aren’t going to drop this anytime soon. So you should at least talk to him and—”

“I don’t know why you’re assuming I was the one who decided we were done.”

It’s a lie. I do know. Even with Wes, who I let in more than most, I kept plenty of secrets. I’m not the girl who gets attached or takes a while to move on.


“It’s fine it ended. We were going…nowhere.”

Wes stays silent for a frustratingly long time. When he finally speaks, I sort of wish he’d stayed silent. “Do you love him?”

Feelings for Liam aren’t anything I’ve allowed myself to consider. I’ve acted on instinct, mostly, when we’re together and avoided thinking about him when we’re not. But if I let myself…

“I think I could.”

“And if I know you at all, he has absolutely no idea.”

“We would never work. We’re not compatible. It’s not even about the rivalry, not really. We go to different schools. He’s serious and uptight, and he has this crazy compulsion when it comes to football. He has priorities that don’t include me.”

When I look over, Wes is smiling. “He punched Baylor out for you.”

“Brian’s an ass all the time. Not to mention, he’s from Alleghany. He wouldn’t have done it if a guy from Glenmont said that shit.”

“We’ll find out.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, I get what it’s like to be him right now. After everything came out about me and Maeve, plenty of Alleghany guys gave me a hard time. It’ll be worse for Liam. Plenty of guys from Glenmontwillsay that shit, and he’ll have to decide how he’s handling it.”

I bite my bottom lip so hard I taste blood. “Fuck.”

“He knew exactly what he was getting into, Nat.” Weston leans back on his palms. “Which tells me you’re not the only one whocould.”

“You don’t know him, Wes.” My tone is sharper than I mean it to be, so I soften it. “I just mean…”

“I know what you meant. You’re right—I don’t. But…”


We’re both quiet. The silence is broken by a quiet chuckle. It grows into a laugh.

I look over at Wes. “What are you laughing at?”

“You get how fucking ironic this is, right? Me and Maeve? You and Liam?”