Page 111 of For Now, Not Forever

“I did hear. There’s audio in the video, Liam.”

“Then why are you asking me questions that make no sense?”

“Because I don’t understand any of this! How did you even meet her?”

“She’s friends with Parker’s cousin. She was at his family’s place on the Fourth.”

“And you hooked up with her.”

“Eventually, yeah.”

“What do you mean, eventually?”

“Jesus, Maeve. What sort of details do you want?”

“I want to understand what’s going on, Liam! It’s like you’re a completely different person. You should have seen Matt and Sam earlier. They were both—”

“I can’t believe you. I really can’t. You think I’m a different person? Maybe you finally understand a fraction of what I felt when you told me about Weston Cole. What has Natalie ever done to you, huh? Toyou, Maeve? You’re all about forgetting the rivalry and blurring town lines, and it’s all bullshit! Because instead of asking what she’s like or if she’s okay after what happened earlier, you’re trying to make me feel guilty about it. Well, guess what?I don’t. I would do it all over again if I could.”

I stand and stomp back down the stairs, pulling the sedan’s keys out of my pocket as I walk.

“Liam! Liam!” Maeve calls after me, but I don’t stop. I don’t listen.

I just drive away.



Mrs. Cole gives me a wide smile when she sees me at the front door.

“Natalie! It’s so nice to see you.”

I smile back. “It’s good to see you, Mrs. Cole. How have you been?”

Her smile wavers a little. “All right, considering.”

“Good. I’m glad to hear that.”

“You here to see Wes?”

“Yeah, if he’s around.”

“He is. Come on in.”

“I’ll just wait out here, if that’s okay.”

“Sure, I’ll grab him.”

“Thank you.”

Wes’s mother turns and walks into the entryway. I hear her call “Weston!” before I move farther from the door and take a seat on the front steps.

A few minutes later, I hear his footsteps. Wes pauses before approaching me, which is probably a bad sign.

“Are you mad?”

He takes a seat on the step beside me. “No. You could have told me, though.”