Page 7 of Elf Shot

Arne shifted his weight. "No."

"Has your father decided to show up, and I need to go immediately to a family meeting?"


"Then would you fuck off?" Layla squeaked a little too loudly. Arne didn't budge, his golden eyes catching hers in a glare off. "I told you I didn't want to be a stupid ambassador or whatever the fuck you wanted me to do. Take the hint."

Arne gestured to a warrior who handed him a piece of paper. Arne unfolded it and held it up. Layla's stomach plummeted as she spotted the Ironwood crest at the top.

"Your services have been acquired and paid for. You will come with me so we can discuss logistics." Arne leaned down to look her dead in the eye. "I'm not leaving without you."

"I'm not leaving until my date is over," Layla snarled back.

"By all means, continue." Arne's smile was deadly. "I can wait."

"You do that. Like, over there or something." Arne took one step away from the table and crossed his arms again. Layla cringed and looked back to Seamus. His blue eyes were bugging out of his head.

"Family issues. Just ignore them, please," she said sweetly.

Seamus looked at Arne and back to Layla. "Yeah, I'm not getting involved in whatever this—" he gestured at them "—happens to be."

"Please don't go," she whispered, hating that she sounded like she was begging.

Seamus got up from his chair and walked to her side of the table, blocking Arne from view. "We can do this another time, doll. Looks like Ironwood duty calls."

"I really was having a nice time," she said, taking his hand and squeezing it. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be, Layla. This was the best date I've had in a year. Give me a call when the job is over, and we'll try again, yeah?"

"Yeah, I'd like that," she said. Seamus kissed her cheek, and Arne made a feral growling sound.

"Don't let him push you about," Seamus whispered with a wink.

"I won't."

The elves stepped out of his way as he left the restaurant, Layla staring after him and feeling like a total asshole. It was ridiculous because the elf staring daggers at her was the one who was the asshole.

"Happy now that you scared him off? I liked him!"

"My heart weeps for your loss," Arne replied, droll as ever. "Let's go."

"No. I'm not leaving until I've eaten. I never get a night off," she said, the urge to be a brat overwhelming her.

Arne made a small gesture, and the elves behind him fell back and joined the others in the courtyard. He remained where he was like he was waiting for her to ask him to sit down.

Yeah, that wasn't going to happen. Layla opened her menu and ignored him completely. A timid waiter came up to them.

"A-Are you ready to order, miss?" he asked.

"I sure am. Can I please get the creamy garlic prawn pasta? And another double of Jameson? Thanks so much," she said, giving him a big smile.

The waiter looked awkwardly at Arne. "Would sir—"

"Sir is not eating," Layla said quickly. "Just think of him as unwelcome furniture, like I am."

"O-Okay," the waiter replied and hurried away.

"Would you please—" Arne began.