"Drink?" he asked.
"Sure," Layla replied, holding out her hands to warm.
"I'll give you a nip of a liquor that we distill here. It's quite herby and aniseed heavy, but I think you'll like it," Arne said, reaching for a black bottle on his side table.
"You'll have to take me to all of these distilleries. I might have to get you to carry me home afterward."
"Happily. They aren't big. The elf I know who makes this does it in a shed in his backyard."
Layla smiled and accepted the small glass. "So this is like elvish moonshine?"
"More or less," Arne replied, tapping his glass against hers.
Layla sipped, and her eyes lit up. "Oh, I like this. It's like the longer it sits in my mouth the more the flavor changes."
Arne took another sip to help him with his sudden nerves. "You do like it here, don't you?"
Layla's brown eyes softened. "Yeah, I do. The town, the lake, your mother. It's surprising how much I'm enjoying myself and how relaxed I feel here. But more importantly, I really like you."
"You do?"
"Especially when you're cutting wood with no shirt on. That was great," she said, her lips lifting in a naughty grin.
Arne laughed. "Is that so? I'll have to remember that next time we argue, and I need you to warm up to me again."
"Take a seat." Layla pushed him gently back onto the couch.
Arne sat, his smile disappearing. "Why do I feel like I'm in trouble?"
"You aren't." Layla drained her glass and put it down. She fidgeted a little like she always did when she was about to say something serious. She blew out a breath. "Arne Steelsinger, will you be my mate?"
Arne's heart stopped beating. He forced his mouth to work. "What happened to taking it slow?"
"I don't think more time will change how I'm feeling right now. I know it's soon, and I still have hang ups about us that stem from my own self esteem stuff. But despite all that, I want you," Layla replied. She stopped fidgeting and finally looked him in the eye.
"Recently Reeve reminded me that the world has almost ended like three times in the last six months, and let's face it, when Vili gets his shit together, it could happen again. I don't want to face the possibility of another apocalypse not having been brave enough to take what I want. I'm scared shitless that I'm going to fuck this all up, but I'm choosing love over fear because I love you. So please, Arne, be my mate."
Arne leaped out of his seat and tackled her to the bear skin rug on the floor.
"Is that a yes?" Layla laughed underneath him, her hands snaking under his shirt.
"Yes, yes, yes," Arne said and kissed her deeply. "I need to get you naked."
Layla brushed his dark hair behind his ear, her brown eyes heating. "You're in charge, remember?"
Arne's dick hardened. Fuck. This woman. "Then take your sweater off."
Layla's pupils blew out, and she pulled the soft dark fabric over her head. Her skin shone like pale gold in the firelight, her hair gleaming like silver on the blackness of the bear fur. She was a goddess. His goddess. To cherish and defile and cherish again.
Arne pulled off his shirt and leaned down over Layla. Her cool fingers stroked against his muscles in a shy exploration.
"You're so hot, it hurts to look at you," she murmured.
"Look and touch all you want, my mate," Arne said, lowering his head so he could suck her hard nipple through the satin of her bra. Layla whimpered, her back arching a little, offering herself up to him. He needed to see her bare and writhing with pleasure. Arne licked the curve of her breast, his teeth digging in.
"I need you naked, so forgive the magic," he growled.
"What—" Layla jumped as his magic surged and their clothes were suddenly gone. "I wondered how you did that last night. Hmm handy." Her eyes looked down, staring at his dick with a satisfied smile.