"We were hunting a general and looking for information on Vili, and he just said nothing. That's not cool, Reeve. We are meant to be allies."
Reeve lifted the gun from her skin. "Did you ever stop to think that maybe he didn't say anything because he doesn't know either? Vili has been one of Morrigan's generals for centuries. Depending on Arne's age, maybe he knows as little about his father as we do."
"Yeah, maybe." Layla wasn't convinced. She didn't know why it bothered her so much. The princes had gotten over it and were friends with him again.
Arne had tried to send her emails and messages. She had obsessed over every line before doing herself a favor and deleting the lot. The elves could find someone else to be a human advisor at their summit. It wasn't like she was even qualified for such a job.
Sure, she spoke elvish, but she had learned it from an online course and wasn't even sure she would be fluent enough to sit in on meetings or anything.
Apart from that, she didn't have the skills needed for that kind of posh job. She didn't even look the part. She had two sleeves of tattoos and looked like the hunter she was. She didn't have delicate manners and didn't think she could fake them either. If she went, all that would happen was she would make a total ass of herself in front of the elvish leaders and embarrass Arne.
Prince Arne, because let's not forget his mother is the fucking queen,Layla's inner asshole prompted her. That was another reason she hadn't answered any of his messages. Maybe if he was just an average warrior, she wouldn't feel so awkward, but he was a real-life, honest-to-God prince. A prince who had asked her out for a drink, and she had turned him down because she was a dumbass. And now, she felt even more awkward.
I wonder if this is how Frodo felt when he learned that Strider was really a lost king? Was he hurt that he was never told?
Layla's feelings were definitely hurt. More than that, she felt like a total dork at how she had talked to him before she knew. She had anxiously gone over every one of their interactions for all of their cringe content.
"Maybe a date is exactly what you need to take your mind off the broody elf," Reeve said, breaking into her thoughts.
"I don't know what you're talking about. I don't think about him at all," Layla lied.
"Ah huh. Well, you are all done anyway."
Layla looked down her forearm where Reeve had fitted an Evenstar in a patch of bare skin that she'd had between two roses.
"I love it so much. Thanks, bro. You're the best," she said, throwing her arms around him.
"You know I'm always happy to provide spontaneous tattoos and advice whenever you need it," he replied, patting her on the back. "You should get going, or you will be late."
"Yeah, yeah, it's only a short walk."
Ten minutes later, Layla stepped out of the Greatdrakes mansion with her new tattoo wrapped and a grin on her face. She could feel spring in the air, so she had decided to wear a black skater dress with black tights, heeled boots, and a blazer. According to Apollo, the restaurant wasn't overly formal or anything, so she had tried for a mix of what she thought of as classy casual.
"Yeah, a date is a great idea," she said to herself as she checked her red lipstick in the reflection of a shop front. "I look amazing. Fuck handsome elves and their bullshit baggage. I'm going to have fun tonight." She was doing her best to psych herself up, and it was working.
The fresh sting of the Evenstar tattoo made her feel better about life, and she was hoping all the post-tattoo euphoria would carry her through dinner.
Seamus was waiting for her outside of the restaurant. They had met once before at the Monkey Paw, so she knew who to look for. He was lanky and handsome, with a shy smile, auburn curls, and the cutest spray of freckles on one cheek. His blue eyes lit up when he saw her.
"Layla Ironwood, you look outstanding," he said in greeting.
"Thanks. I just want to get out of the way that I haven't been on a date in ages, and I'm super nervous," her mouth said, already running off without her.
Seamus's shy smile widened. "Me too. Also, you are one of the famous Ironwoods, which is intimidating. So I'm thinking, drinks first?"
Layla laughed. "All the drinks. I like the way you think, O'Connell." He held out his arm to her, and she took it.
Inside, the restaurant was already packed. It was all polished timber and black tables and was lit with Edison bulbs tangled in with hanging greenery. It had a fun and funky vibe that suited Layla. She didn't usually like crowds, but the table they were led to was tucked out of the way, so she didn't feel the press of people. They were next to a glass wall that looked out onto a courtyard garden.
"This is a great spot," she commented, sitting down when he pulled the chair out for her.
"Yeah, as soon as it opened, I knew I had to eat here. I remember Apollo saying you don't like too many people, so I requested this table. Besides, I want to be able to hear you over all the noise," Seamus replied.
Layla couldn't help but be weirdly touched. "That was really thoughtful of you."
"Dating is awkward enough without making it worse."
Reeve was right; Seamus was a cool guy. The tips of his ears went a little red when she smiled at him, and she liked it.