"Um, at this second? Yes. But I'm probably about to do something dumb, so I’m going to text you an address, and if you don't hear from me in an hour, that's where you need to go to find the body."
"Layla, what the fuck have you done?"
"Please, please, just trust me, Kian. You can't tell Bayn or anyone, okay?"
There was a long pause on the other end of the line. "One hour. You had better tell me what this is about when you call me back because right now, you're supposed to be in Oslo."
"I know. I know. Thanks, Kian."
"One hour, Layla."
They hung up, and she messaged him the address. She checked her dagger in her boot and got out of the car.
The metal gate squeaked as Layla lifted the latch and opened it. She had expected dogs, but there were no warning snarls to greet her. Taking a deep breath, she knocked on the front door. "Hello? Anyone home?"
After there was no reply, Layla walked around the side of the house and spotted a man with his back to her. He was cleaning fish at an outdoor sink and tossing the guts to the wolf-like huskies at his feet. He was tall and broad, gray streaking his braided black hair and trimmed beard.
"You are trespassing," the man said in a deep bass voice.
"I'm sorry, but I needed to talk to you. It's about…it's about Vili," Layla replied. She kept her eyes on the watchful dogs. They hadn't moved, but their whole bodies were tense, waiting for their master's command to rip her throat out.
The man turned, and Layla's mouth turned to dust. He was broader and had lines creasing his sun browned face in a way that could've placed him between fifty and seventy, but the family resemblance to Arne was unmistakable. A golden eye looked her over.
"Who are you?" he demanded.
"My name is Layla Ironwood," she squeaked out and quickly ducked her head respectfully.
"What else are you?"
"I'm Arne Steelsinger's mate, and I'm here on his behalf." Layla straightened her shoulders. "It's an honor to meet you…All-Father."
"Call me Havi. I haven't been the All-Father for quite some time," he muttered and dried off his hands. "How did you find me?"
"It's a long story, but mostly, the internet. It's not important," Layla said, waving it aside. "Vili is back, and he's taken your nephew, Arne. I want your help to get him back."
Havi crossed his arms. "Where has he been taken to?"
"Svartalfheim. There are rumors that Vili has returned to his old keep there."
"Then I can't help. Svartalfheim isn't my concern, and Arne is Vili's by blood," he said gruffly and with a finality that made Layla see red.
"Are you serious? Vili will kill him!"
"You don't know that. He was bound to remember he had a son one day and make a claim on him. It happened, and I won't interfere."
Layla felt like she had been hit in the guts, all the wind knocked out of her. "Do you even care that Vili is loose again? That he was Morrigan's general and all of them have had plans to destroy and rule the human world?" she demanded. She was trying not to scream, the tiredness and worry overwhelming her.
Anger flashed in Havi's golden eye. "Vili chose to be the lap dog of that goddess. It has nothing to do with me. Neither does his return to Svartalfheim. I can see the bond that's hurting you right now, girl, but watch your tone when you talk to me."
Layla's chin rose. "And if Vili comes here and starts burning and pillaging? The Norns said that if we don't defeat him, he will start Ragnarök! Will it be your problem then?"
"Fucking Norns. Those witches do not control my fate," Havi spat, and Layla wanted to shake him. He let out a growl of frustration. "If they are right, and Vili steps one foot into Midgard to try and start Ragnarök, I will intervene. Until he does, I will do nothing. Svartalfheim has always been his domain, and Arne is his son."
"I'll go after him alone then," Layla said and threw up her hands. "Fuck, I can't believe I thought you would give a damn enough to help him."
"This isn't my fate being played out, girl. It’s yours." Havi's golden eye shone with power, and magic burned the air. "You want to go and die a hero’s death, trying to steal your prince back? That’s your business. I won’t stop you, but I will warn you. Do not underestimate my brother for a single moment, or you will regret it. His keep is in the Vestri Mountains, and all of the paths in will be watched. That's all the help I can give you."
Layla nodded, and even though she was pissed, she still said, "Thank you for the information."