Page 11 of Elf Shot

"Yay for me," Layla griped, her leg bouncing irritably. "I'm also going to the middle of nowhere by myself so load me up. I'm an Ironwood. We need to be ready for anything."

"Whatever you say, Layla." Charlotte took some blank patches from a drawer and started to sketch on one. "These ones should help you sleep. As for the others, take them, but I doubt you'll need them. Arne and Tor won't let anything happen to you if there is trouble."

"Yeah, sure they won’t. Arne would probably throw me at the enemy and run away."

"You don't believe that, so stop pretending you do because you're pissy at him." Charlotte stopped sketching. "Have you even tried to think about things from his point of view? From what we know, his dad is a total monster. He would have to be to get Morrigan's interest. Not to mention his mom is like a queen."

"What's your point?" Layla demanded.

"Being an Ironwood can be bad enough, but can you imagine being the son of a god and a prince. He probably hates it. Maybe Arne wanted people to get to know him without all of that hanging over his head."

Layla didn't like how much Charlotte was making sense. "Yeah, maybe. He could've at least told Bayn."

"You know the elves are private. It might be an inbuilt thing."

"Why are you so determined to defend him?"

Charlotte let out a groan of frustration. "Because you liked him, Layla! And he asked you out, so you know he must've liked you too. You have also refused to date anyone since you met him."

"I've been busy! I shouldn't have told you about any of that anyway," Layla grumbled.

"Too bad. You did. You came to me for advice so here it is: it's dumb to fight over stupid shit when we have bigger enemies threatening to destroy us. You don't like him anymore? Fine. But be professional. You have a job to do, so do it, and then you never have to see him again."

Layla didn't know which part of that statement she hated more.

"You know I won't do anything to embarrass the family," she said finally.

"I know." Charlotte handed her the bag of magical tricks. "I think you're overlooking one very important thing right now."

"And that is?"

Charlotte grinned. "There is quite literally going to be hundreds of elves everywhere at this thing. Like really, really hot ones."

"Huh." Layla's head tilted to one side. "You know, that's the advice you should've given me from the start." She got up and pulled Charlotte into a hug. "Thanks, sis. I'll miss you. I mean, I will if I'm not busy being hip deep in some high-quality elf D."

"Yeah, if that happens, and you need to talk about it? Call Imogen," Charlotte said, and they both laughed.


Thirty minutes later, Layla had her small suitcase downstairs and was waiting on the front stoop.

"You taking some weapons with you?" Kenna asked, coming up behind her.

"Yeah." Layla tapped her Doc Marten against the leather case that carried her bow. The fae made recurve bow had been a gift from Killian, and it was gorgeous. Inside each of her boots were thin daggers she never went anywhere without.

"Don't be shitty at me. It will be good for you to do a job on your own for once." Kenna bumped her shoulder against Layla's. "Have fun and don't fuck it up. Ciara is working a job in Sweden, so give her a call if you get in a jam and need some backup."

"Sure. Thanks for throwing me into a situation I didn't want to be in," Layla replied as the BMW pulled up in front of them

Kenna put her hands on her hips. "Don't act like a brat. We need to take out the third general and ensure that our family, not to mention the world, is safe. This isn't just about you, Layla Brigid Ironwood."

"When is it ever?" Layla muttered, climbing into the car and slamming the door behind her.

* * *

It was a twenty-minute drive out to the private airport from the Ironwood Estate. Layla used the time to smooth her sweating palms over her black leather leggings and practiced her calm breathing while listening to her favorite playlist. She couldn't make up her mind if she was anxious or excited or a mixture of both.

It was true she didn't do any hunting jobs on her own, mainly because her family were all better hunters, and she was better at being the backup.