Page 69 of God Touched

"That's my fierce flower," Arawan replied.

His dark power rose, and Killian swore, taking a step back from him. Arawan grew larger, his ruby and black wings unfurling from his back and the bone crown rising from his head. Like the last time he took on that form, Imogen's heart began to pound with excitement.

Fuck, he really is awe-inspiring.

"There's my magnificent monster," Imogen purred. Bron and Killian were staring in horror and surprise. Imogen didn't want Arawan to feel self-conscious, so she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Hey, Death Daddy, ready to take me for a ride?"

"Don't make me tear that armor off you when we've just got it on," Arawan replied. One large, clawed hand cupped her ass and lifted her up into his arms. "We are ready. Lead the way, prince."

Killian kissed Bron before unfurling his wings and launching into the sky.

"I'll see you soon, big sister," Imogen said as brightly as she could. Arawan's grip tightened, and Imogen screamed as they were suddenly airborne.

Arawan chuckled. "You should be used to flying by now."

"Why, because we did it once when I was almost unconscious?" Imogen said, her arms and legs locking around him tighter.

"I will never drop you, my love." Arawan nuzzled at her neck, and Imogen's body softened. "There we go. Look at how beautiful the night is."

Imogen wriggled so she could look at the moonlight shimmering over the valley below. Like the first time, her fear eased, and she stared about in wonder.

"You doing okay, Gen?" Killian called to her. He was grinning like a fiend. "I don't think I've heard you scream so loud before."

"I have," Arawan growled in her ear.

"Are you trying to make me horny before going into battle? Seriously, head in the game, mister."

Arawan only laughed, and they followed Killian up the mountain until he was pointing to a black opening near the summit. Arawan made a rumbling sound in his chest.

"I can feel the power Killian was talking about. This is a strong gate," he said.

Imogen's legs were wobbly when she slid down off Arawan and onto a rocky outcrop outside the cave mouth.

"Yeah, this is as far as I'm going," Killian said, staring at the darkness. "It creeps me out far too much."

"Thanks for everything, bro. I promise I'll return the armor as soon as we are back," Imogen said.

Killian pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Just make sureyoucome back, okay?"

"Don't get sappy on me. Off you go," Imogen replied, giving him a playful push.

"Protect my sister, God of the dead," Killian said to Arawan before leaping off the ledge and disappearing.

"Everyone seems to think that you are the one that needs protecting. They really don't know you at all," Arawan said. His whole body began to shiver and shrink as he took on his normal form again.

"They know, they just think I'm super reckless, and I need watching. I mean, they are right, but being reckless is my superpower," Imogen replied. Arawan put on his borrowed armor with such efficient movements, Imogen couldn't help being a bit turned on.

"You look hot as fuck in that," she said before she could stop herself.

Arawan kissed her. "Now you know how it feels. Let's find this gate." He summoned a ball of light, and they stepped down into the darkness.


Arawan could feel the dead all around him. Shades and wraiths were roaming the cave, restless and anxious.

"Something strange is happening here," he murmured.

"Strange as in interesting, or strange as we are about to get fucked by a pack of goblins or a Balrog?" Imogen whispered behind him. "Every hair on my body is standing on end right now."