Page 65 of God Touched

Arawan fixed Imogen with a loaded look. "You can always ride with me if you like, darling. I like keeping you close."

"Riding with you got me into this mess," Imogen huffed, flicking her braid over one shoulder.

"Don't worry, my lord, your horse is on its way." Bron looked over her shoulder like she sensed the second Killian was coming closer. He rode up, leading another horse.

"Okay, let's get going if you two want to get to the castle by nightfall," he said and checked Imogen over. "You got enough weapons on you?"

"You can never have enough, in my opinion," Imogen said, pulling herself up into the saddle of the giant Faerie mount. "Besides, I couldn't say no to Bayn when he offered me some of his collection."

It was true she might have overdone it a bit, but she knew enough stories about Faerie to want to be prepared. She had her ax strapped to her back, a dagger on each thigh, and another two on her belt.

Bayn had also given her a bandolier of throwing daggers carved in runes that did gods knew what. She figured if accepting them made Bayn feel better, she wouldn't say no and had strapped them across her chest.

Killian clicked his tongue. "Sounds like the little icicle is worried about you."

"And you're not?"

"Not in the slightest. Hafgan should be more concerned about you coming for him than Arawan, in my opinion," he replied.

Bron laughed. "I can agree with that. I've seen you in a rage, after all, little sis. Hafgan should be running if he knows what's good for him."

"Aw, guys, that's the sweetest thing you've ever said to me," Imogen crooned at them. Arawan was giving them another one of his pleased looks, like seeing them interacting together made him happy.

"Imogen will make the whole of Annwn tremble, I have no doubt," he said, his gaze heating as it fixed on her.

"You've got it so bad, my lord," Killian said with a shake of his head.

"How can I not? It's not every day you meet a woman with a tongue as sharp as her blades," Arawan replied.

Kill's emerald eyes glittered with mischief. "Clearly, you need to hang out with the Ironwoods more."

* * *

They crossed into Faerie with little effort, and Imogen did her best not to feel like a dumb tourist excited by everything she saw. Even the air felt different in Faerie, lighter and cleaner and infused with magic.

"Now that I'm not on my own, hunting, I really like it over here," Bron said beside her. The two males talked ahead of them, and Imogen knew she was about to get the big sister lecture she had been waiting on.

"Is it because it's quieter?" Imogen could hear the birds in the trees and running streams. It seemed so much more peaceful than the stories had led her to believe.

"Partly. The fae still gets nervous and excited when they see Killian, but they are used to me now. It's nice to get him all to myself, too," Bron replied. A slight frown appeared between her brows. "Are you serious about this relationship with Arawan?"

Imogen pulled up short. "What do you mean by that?"

"Try and see it from my point of view, Imogen. You have never really dated or had a relationship. You've never been interested in anyone for more than a night. You've never seen men as a serious pursuit," Bron replied. She looked back towards Arawan's tall back. "If this is a curiosity thing for you…"

"Fuck you, Bron," Imogen snapped before she could stop herself. Bron pulled on the reins of her horse and turned in her saddle. "Yeah, you heard me, fuck you."

"I'm just asking, Gen. Help me understand because he isgod."

"And Kill is the Night Prince! Our family's generational enemy! You came home with him, and I never fucking judged you over it."

"It is not the same thing, and you know it. He isn't like anyone else, even the fae," Bron said, drawing her horse over so they were side by side.

"I know that, and it still doesn't change how I feel about him. It's not curiosity, it's…cosmic." Imogen took some deep breaths and tried to calm her temper down.

"I never got close to someone because I always accepted the fact I was overdue to die. I didn't want to waste anyone's time, especially my own. I'm sure I would've changed my mind if I had met someone I felt half of what I do for Arawan. But I never did, Bron. I was waiting to die my entire life because I was waiting forhim. I was obsessed with the Afterlife because I didn't know I was searching for Arawan. I thought you would understand what that is like more than anyone."

Bron reached over and patted Imogen's arm. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize. You have been so quiet about everything that has been happening. I wanted to hear it from you."