"Bayn! Something's happened to Arawan," she said.
"Yeah, that's not all. The castle just spat Freya and me out onto the road and fuckingvanished.Where are you?" Bayn replied, shouting loud enough that Arawan heard every word.
Arawan swayed, and Imogen helped him sit down on a nearby rock. She was still talking to Bayn when the ground beside them iced over, and the fae prince and his mate appeared through it.
"Fucking hell, did you crash?" Freya demanded, racing to Imogen.
"I'm fine. Arawan protected me."
Bayn placed a hand on Arawan's shoulder to steady him. "You look like shit. What the fuck happened?"
"I…don't know. I can't feel Annwn," Arawan said, staring at the silver ichor covering his hands and clothes. "My wounds aren't healing as quickly as they should."
"It's okay. We'll get you out of here," Bayn assured him. Imogen and Freya were coming back with the saddlebags from the bike. Imogen pulled out a shirt and pressed it to a wound in Arawan's side.
"No dying on me, Daddy," she teased half-heartedly. She was shaking, and Arawan hated it.
"I'm okay, Imogen," he tried to reassure her.
"Bayn, we need to get them out of here," Freya said, eyes scanning the road around them. "I felt strange magic right before the castle vanished. If this is an attack, there will be people hunting them."
"Okay, okay, we're taking you two home," Bayn grumbled, hauling Arawan to his feet.
"Careful, Bayn!" Imogen shouted.
"He's a fucking god, Gen! He will be fine. Tell her," Bayn said, giving him a shake that made Arawan's teeth clench.
"She knows I will be."
"Take him first, Bayn. I'll watch out if someone appears," Imogen said, pulling out her ax.
"And I'll watch her," Freya added, magic crackling over her.
"I'll be quick," Bayn promised and dragged Arawan through the ice. They popped out again in the main hall of a castle. Bayn helped Arawan into a nearby chair. "Don't go anywhere."
Arawan could barely stay upright, but he managed to nod. What had happened to Annwn? How could his castle be gone? Arawan placed a hand over his still bleeding side. He could feel it healing, but it was too slow. His power was stripped entirely.
Imogen appeared with Bayn and Freya, and she was beside him instantly, her face drawn.
"Are you worried about me?" Arawan asked.
"Of course I am, you big idiot!" Imogen exclaimed.
"I've never had someone worry about me before."
"Aw," Freya said before she stopped herself. "Help him get cleaned up, Imogen, and meet us in the kitchen when you're ready. I'm starving after all this excitement."
Arawan couldn't stop Imogen from supporting him all the way to the guest room she usually stayed in. She stripped him off and sat him down on a bench in the bathroom before turning on the water taps.
"I like this," Arawan said, staring at the silver head the water was pouring from.
"It's called a shower. Something we both need," she replied, pulling off her clothes and joining him.
"That's definitely making me feel better," Arawan said, mesmerized by the water glistening over her large breasts.
"Wounded and still a perve," she replied with a shake of her head. "Let me have a look at your back." Arawan turned a little, and she swore.
"Fuck, lover, you're a mess," Imogen whispered, her voice cracking. She took a washcloth and cleaned all the scrapes, so they were clear of dirt and gravel.