Page 51 of God Touched

"I don't know what either of you are talking about."

All teasing and flirting stopped as soon as they walked into the hall. Arawan was already on his throne, with Aisling close to the dais. Arawan gave Imogen a pointed look and indicated the spot on his right.

Imogen ignored every pair of judgmental eyes following her and went to stand in the place just a little behind his throne. Let them all think that she was his bodyguard. Bayn and Freya joined her and looked suitably menacing and aloof.

Hafgan's envoy was a tall man with silver hair and cold blue eyes. A group of ten people surrounded him, one carrying a banner on a pole. There was the symbol of a tree stitched into it with swords for branches.

Imogen remembered the sigil that Aneirin had created in the estuary with the same mark. She tried to hide her anger and disgust.

"Dafydd, it has been a long time," Arawan said finally, and the gray-haired man inclined his head. It wasn't a bow, and it pissed Imogen off. She might not bow to him, but it was for completely different reasons, and she would never disrespect him in front of his court.

"Lord Arawan, you have been asleep for centuries. Some of us didn't have that luxury," Dafydd replied and looked around at his court.

"I trusted my court to govern in my stead, and they did so admirably." Arawan only smiled at him, completely unbothered. Imogen reminded herself they were under a peace agreement. It didn't stop her from looking Dafydd over and drawing mental targets on every one of his vital points.

The envoy looked at her just as keenly, like he couldn't quite figure out her presence.Good. Let him wonder,she thought.

"If you have a message, I suggest you spit it out," Arawan said.

Dafydd didn't break eye contact with Imogen. "My lord, shouldn't we take this audience somewhere more privately. This matter hardly concerns the living."

"Hafgan trying to make war in this land makes it their concern. Prince Bayn, Princess Freya, and Lady Imogen have a right to be here as much as any," Arawan said, a thread of warning in his voice.

"Hafgan isn't trying to make war here," Dafydd replied with a smug little smile.

"Really? Having an army of horde creatures stationed not far from my borders suggests otherwise." Arawan looked sideways at Imogen and grinned. "Well, hedidhave an army."

"Not much of one," she replied.

Dafydd was looking between them suspiciously. "And can I ask what your role is in Arawan's court, Lady Imogen?"

She smiled sweetly at him. "I'm a liaison. Diplomacy is my main area of expertise."

Bayn coughed, trying to hide his laughter.

Dafydd smoothed over his confusion and schooled his features back to neutrality. "My Lord Hafgan sends me with the following message—there is no need for a war between us, Lord of Annwn. It has been centuries since the unfortunate business with Lady Brangwen. Let the past die, and let there be peace between us."

Arawan went still, the shadows in the room darkening. His entire court looked disgusted at Dafydd. Imogen had no idea who Brangwen was, but it was as if Dafydd saying her name was some horrible taboo.

"Hafgan says he wants peace, but his actions are far from it. Bringing up my wife that Hafgan seduced and then killed will not earn you any favors," Arawan said finally.

Imogen swallowed the hard lump in her throat. She had no idea and tried to keep the shock from her face. He hadn't trusted her enough, so he kept that important information from her. Fuck, it hurt like a kick between the legs.

She was already feeling like an emotional wreck from the night before, and this had just made it a hundred times worse. Arawan was happy to toy her along with his bargain, fuck her, but not share strategic information?

You sure know how to pick them, she mentally kicked herself.

The voices blurred around her, and she tuned them out. Let them talk. Arawan clearly wasn't interested in sharing with her anyway, so why should she pay attention to this boring shit.

Hafgan killing his wife was a massive red flag because it made the fight with him more than just a rivalry. It was about revenge. The kind that would have Arawan acting emotionally in retaliation and not like a general.

If this war with Hafgan didn't affect her sisters and family, maybe Imogen wouldn't have cared so much about Arawan not sharing his past with her. But Arawan fucking up the fight meant that all of them were in danger. If he didn't stop Hafgan from whatever shit he was planning, it would be up to her family to do it.

"You have said your piece, Dafydd. Please stay the night as my guest while I consider the reply I should send to Hafgan," Arawan was saying, pulling Imogen back to the room full of faces. She needed this shit to be over with. She needed to clear her head before doing something reckless because she was pissed.

Dafydd finally bowed. "Thank you, my lord. It would be an honor."

Arawan made a gesture that the meeting was over, and Imogen tried not to bolt from the room.