“You do look incredible, Penny.” Daniel told her, pleased that Tom had stepped away, even if he had given her a rogue wink before disappearing from sight.

“Really? I hope it’s not too much.” She fingered the edge of her dress as she stood there, nervous.

“It’s not too much. You look stunning.” He couldn’t have said more honest words if he’d tried. She was so beautiful it stole his breath away.

There was a toot of a car horn outside.

“Shall we go?”

Penny touched his hand as he reached for her, let her fingers brush his. “Let me grab my purse and say goodbye to Gabby.”

He reached for her wrist and caught it. Paused before tugging her gently toward him.

Daniel caught the faintest hint of her perfume, fought not to shut his eyes against the softness of her body against him.

“Thank you,” he said, lips achingly close to her mouth as he spoke.

“For what?” She didn’t meet his gaze, kept her eyes lowered, giving him only her dark lashes to focus on again.

“For giving me a second chance.”

They stood, facing one another, so close, not moving. Their breathing synchronized, Daniel’s heart beating fast.

There was nothing left to say.

The test would be in whether they could fall in love and stay in love again. Whether they could both move on, forgive and forget.

Because even though Penny had found this hard, he had, too. He’d behaved in a way he’d never thought he was capable of. Had hurt her the way his father had hurt his mother, and part of him wondered if he’d ever truly be able to completely forgive himself.

The horn blared again, making them both jump.

“Go stall the cab driver,” she said, before reaching up and pressing a quick kiss to his cheek.

His hand shot up to where her lips had skimmed his skin.

“What was that for?”

Penny giggled, a noise he hadn’t heard in years.

“For taking me out dancing.”

Daniel shook his head slowly from side to side.

“Wait until you’ve seen me dancing before you thank me,” he said with a laugh.

“I don’t care,” she said, walking backwards into the kitchen. “Just the thought of it’s enough to make me smile.”

Daniel followed her with his eyes before heading out the door. There had been times he’d wondered if he would ever get his life back. If he’d ever emerge from the darkness that had surrounded him these past few months.

What he had now was hope.

A hope that they might emerge on the right side of the emotional hell they’d been through this year.


PENNY stepped out of the cab, conscious of Daniel behind her. His hand fitted against the small of her back when he emerged from the vehicle, softly propelling her forward.

“No way.”