He didn’t look back, he just ran.

Penny sniffed back tears as she moved the car out into the main parking area.

If something happened to Gabby, she’d never forgive herself.

Daniel stood,catching his breath, eyes never leaving his little girl.

The doctors had assured him that she would be okay, that she’d been brought there so quickly that they’d be able to run tests and keep a careful eye on her.

But he wasn’t so sure.

Daniel looked up when he heard the clack of heels in the corridor behind him. He stepped out, seeing Penny immediately.

“Gabby? Is she…”

Daniel reached out a hand to Penny, to his wife, and let her clutch it tight.

“They don’t know what’s wrong yet, but they’re going to start trying to cool her down.” He pulled Penny gently back into the room with him.

There was a nurse standing beside Gabby, hand on her forehead. She turned to prepare what looked to be ice packs. A fan was blowing nearby.

Machines bleeped, but Daniel had no idea whether they were in the room and attached to his daughter or echoing from somewhere else.



He pushed past Penny and ran to the bed.

Please, God, no!

“Gabby, honey…”

Her tiny body had started to convulse, writhing on the bed.

The nurse stayed calm as he turned what he was sure were wild eyes toward her.

“Do something!” he pleaded. “Please. Please!”

He reached for his little girl, not aware of anything else but the terrifying movement of her body as it continued to convulse.

Hands closed over his arms and tried to drag him back, but he fought it.

“Get off me!”

A blur of white to his right caught his eye, he heard Penny crying, but he wouldn’t relinquish his grip on his daughter, holding her so she wouldn’t be thrown from the bed

“Get him out of here!”

The sharpness of a man’s direct order pulled Daniel from the void he was lost within.

He looked up, behind him, saw the nurse trying her best to pull him back. Then he saw the doctor as he bent over Gabby, watched as another doctor appeared, rushing for ward.

Daniel let himself be pulled away.

“Sorry,” he whispered to the nurse whose grip he’d roughly refused. “I’m so sorry.”

Penny was beside him then, her hand finding his. The feel of her warm, smooth palm locked against his was comforting, but he couldn’t take his eyes from Gabby.