PENNY wondered if her body was ever going to stop shaking. She felt like a whimpering puppy, unable to stop herself.

So unlike the strong woman she was used to being,


The name had circled in her mind ever since Daniel had told her. His words falling, crashing through her head. Tumbling over and over like they were never going to stop.

She’d wanted to know and yet she hadn’t. But she’d needed to know. The woman within her wanted to know why she’d failed so miserably, what this other woman had had that she didn’t. Whether she should blame herself for what had happened, even if it was only in part.

The mother within her wanted to shield herself and those she loved from pain. To push the memories away and try to move forward.

The wife within her was shattered.

But she knew now and she had to deal with it.

Penny pulled up outside their house and sat outside for a few minutes. The lights were on, curtains pulled so she couldn’t see in. But she knew the scene she’d find inside.

Daniel’s mother would be curled up on the sofa reading a book or watching television, and Gabby would be tucked up in bed, peaceful in sleep.

If she didn’t hurry up and get inside, Daniel might even beat her home. She’d driven around aimlessly for ages, thinking, not wanting to go home, because for some reason it didn’t truly feel like her home anymore.

Because she no longer felt like she belonged.

Penny hauled herself from the car and headed for the house. She needed to have a nice long sleep, stop fighting the pull of emotions within her, then figure out what the hell she was going to do come morning,

If anything, no matter how hard this night had been, it had told her that Daniel’s infidelity was only the tip of a very tall iceberg. Their marriage had been in trouble for longer than she was ready to admit, but instead of acknowledging it, she’d kept a brave smile on her face and acted like every- thing would turn out okay in the end.


Vicki’s alarmed call rang through the otherwise silent night.

Penny ran. Fast. Her arms pumping at her sides as she sprinted from the driveway and up onto the veranda.

Her feet skidded to a stop, slipping as she grabbed onto the timber railing.

Daniel emerged through the front door, dishevelled, his hair messy like he’d been running his fingers through it over and over again, T-shirt rumpled.

Penny’s hand flew to her mouth as her heart starting pounding with fury in her ears.

She couldn’t pull her eyes away from Daniel, because his arms carried their daughter.

Gabby lay tucked against him, her head on his chest, tiny like a mouse as his strong hands covered her, held her tight.

“What happened?” Her words were on the verge of a gasp, barely audible.

She didn’t have time to ask how Daniel had arrived home before her. Couldn’t care less about what they’d discussed Not now.

Because her daughter, her tiny, precious daughter, was lying limply in his arms like something was seriously wrong.

“Start the car, Penny.” Daniel’s voice was grim.

Vicki appeared in the doorway behind him. She’d been crying, her eyes were red.

“What happened?” she asked again, unable to move. Penny planted her feet and refused to budge an inch.

“Penny, get in the car!” Daniel ordered, his voice low and full of determination. “I need the soldier right now, okay?”