“Hope you’re up for a romantic comedy, then?”
Daniel could tell she was making a huge effort.
He shrugged. He couldn’t care less what they watched, so long as she was up for doingsomethingtogether.
Penny tuckedher feet up beneath herself on the sofa. She was watching the movie but she wasn’t. Her eyes roamed the screen but her senses were focused on the man beside her.
They’d been sitting there for an hour, side by side yet not touching,
She was glad. The last thing she wanted was to complicate her feelings any further.
After what had happened earlier…
“Another glass of wine?”
Penny shook her head. “I’m fine, thanks.”
He pushed up to his feet and reached for both their glasses. “How about a hot chocolate, then? Coffee?”
“I’m guessing you’re not enjoying the movie?” Penny laughed at the pained expression on Daniel’s face. “Looking for a chance to escape?”
He looked meek. “You got me.”
Penny reached for the remote and hit Pause. “It’s not that great anyway.”
He blew out a sigh of what she guessed was relief. “Are you sure? I don’t mind watching the whole thing.”
She shrugged. “I’m pretty tired, Daniel. Maybe we should call it a night.”
Daniel looked like he might have preferred to suffer through the movie than go to bed early, but he didn’t say.
“I’ll be down soon,” he said.
Penny gave him a small smile and stretched. She was tired. It had been a long day catching up with everyone, giving Gabby as much attention as she could. Being upbeat even though she was breaking inside at the thought of leaving again so soon after arriving home.
Was shattered at knowing her days were numbered and she’d be leaving all she loved behind and getting back on a plane by Monday.
Penny stopped dead in her tracks.
Gabby’s tiny voice echoed out from her room.
“It’s Mommy.”
She heard quiet sobbing as she entered, hurried to flick on the lamp beside Gabby’s bed.
“Sweetheart, are you okay?”
“I want Daddy.” She was crying, eyes filled with rapidly falling tears.
Penny bent to wrap her arms around her daughter, to cradle her head and comfort her.
Only to be shrugged off, Gabby’s arms being pulled up toward her eyes, knees drawn up to her chest.
“I want my daddy,” she whispered as she cried.
Penny didn’t know what to do. Whether to force the issue or to call for Daniel. To hold her daughter and comfort her even if she wasn’t the first person she’d called for. Or to give her what she wanted.