And that left only one option.


He put his beer down and pressed the phone to his ear.


Her voice was shaky, fragile. Like she’d been crying.

“Penny, what’s wrong? Is Gabby okay?”

He listened to a muffled noise, hoped shewasn’tcrying, then a sigh.

“I think you need to come home.”

Daniel eyed his beer, thankful he hadn’t consumed it. He’d have been no help to anyone if he’d drowned his sorrows and hadn’t been able to drive.

“I’ll be there as quick as I can.”

“Thank you,” she whispered down the line, before hanging up.

Daniel looked at the makeshift bed on the couch, then over at Tom.

“Go,” his brother told him.

Daniel didn’t need to be told.

He ran a hand down his jeans, pushing out the crumples, did the same to his hair and grabbed his keys.

“I’ll call you tomorrow,” he called over his shoulder.

“Don’t bother, I’ll be at the party.”

The party. He’d almost forgotten. The reason Penny was home.

He threw a hand up in a quick wave and slammed the door behind him.

It didn’t matter why Penny needed him. Why she’d called. Because he’d always be there for her. She’d never have to ask him twice.

He’d been an idiot.Once.

In all their years together, all the times they’d spent apart, with her in the army and him in the navy, he’d always been faithful. Never even thought of straying.

He’d been a jerkonce, and he’d regret that for the rest of his life.

But Tom was right. This was his chance to make things right, to make it up to Penny. No matter what it took, no matter what the consequences.

Because the consequences of not saving his marriage weren’t even worth contemplating. Everything else could be overcome, dealt with, but letting Penny slip from his life would be something he’d regret forever.

He loved Penny, and he’d do his darndest to prove it to her.

Starting now.


PENNY slumped against the wall in the hallway. She’d never felt so hopeless, souselessbefore.

And even though she knew it was rude to eavesdrop, would have told her daughter off for doing the same thing, she couldn’t help but listen.