Gabby looked sad, but relaxed into her father’s legs as he stood behind her and wrapped his hands around her.
Penny stood up, gave them a salute and hauled her bag over her shoulder.
She forced herself to walk, to keep her legs moving without looking back.
But when she reached the departure gate, she couldn’t help herself.
Penny pivoted, bag still over her shoulder, and let her eyes wander to where she’d left Daniel and Gabby.
They were still there, watching her back.
Penny raised her hand in a brave wave and burst into a tearful laugh as Daniel blew her a kiss.
Four months, three days and eighteen hours.
And then they’d all be together again.
But right now, she needed to board that plane and serve her country.
PENNY fidgeted as she waited to walk through security. She was starting to panic.
She knew they’d be waiting. Daniel had written to her constantly while she was away, and they’d been able to talk almost every four days this time, but she was still worried.
Because now her army days were over. Now she was home forever.
Everything they’d talked about, everything they’d promised one another, was about to become realitynow.
The security officer waved her through and she walked faster than she ever had in her life. The airport was busier this time than last, but she didn’t care. There were two faces she was looking for and she wasn’t going to stop until she saw them.
The deep, booming voice that reached out to her stopped Penny in her tracks, heart beating so hard she was in danger of a heart attack.
She would know his call, the sexy richness of his voice, anywhere.
Heat flooded her cheeks as she looked around, eyes searching frantically.
And then she saw him. Gabby was running along beside him as his long legs ate up the ground.
This was it. This was the homecoming she’d been waiting for.
She smiled so hard she wondered how her cheeks didn’t split, but she didn’t have time to think about it. Before she could bend to see Gabby, Daniel had hold of her, swinging her up into his arms as if she weighed no more than a newborn baby.
“Hey, soldier,” he whispered, before skimming his lips across hers.
Penny sighed into his mouth, arms caught up around his shoulders.
“Hey to you, too.”
“Do you have any idea how much we’ve missed you?” Daniel’s eyes were glued on hers, pupils the color of the richest dark chocolate.
“Yeah, we’ve missed you heaps, Mommy,” said a soft voice laced with shyness.