“Tomorrow night,” he said.
She reached for the dishcloth to give the bench a final wet down.
“Anywhere in particular?”
“Yeah.” Daniel’s face lit up with a smile. “Pedro’s,” he told her, head angled slightly to the side. “I thought I’d take you back to Pedro’s.”
The lookon her face ignited something within Daniel that he hadn’t felt in a long time.
Made him feel alive again. When for the last while, for as long as he could remember, he’d felt like a flag at half-mast. Like he was just below the surface and couldn’t quite claw his way back up.
But Penny was slowly reigniting the flame within him that hadn’t burned for a long time.
Slowly making him feel like himself again.
“Pedro’s,” she stuttered, her eyes as large as a cat’s in the dark. “Are you sure?”
He thrummed his fingers across the bench for something to do. Because he didn’t know how else to rid himself of the nervous energy vibrating through his body.
“I’m positive,” he said, hoping she wasn’t going to change her mind. “It’s the first restaurant I ever took you to for dinner.”
“I know,” she whispered. “It was our first real date.”
Her gaze was sad, but the gentle curve of her mouth, the hint of a smile, was the encouragement he needed.
“We fell in love that night, Penny,” he said, walking around to stand in front of her, to touch her hair and push it over her shoulder. “It was also the place where I proposed to you.”
She gulped, he could see the movement of her throat.
They were standing close, but he wasn’t going to push his luck. Daniel wanted to know that she remembered. That even though he might have been aloof in the past about things like anniversaries, he’d never forgotten the things that mattered.
“And it’s the place I want to take you tomorrow night, because it might be the place we start to fall in love all over again,” he said, his voice laced with emotion.
In the past, he’d always told her he loved her. But maybe he hadn’t made enough of an effort. Maybe they’d just started to take each other for granted, to coast through their marriage rather than work on it. Maybe he should never have kept his feelings buried, should have been honest with her instead of trying to pretend that everything was okay between them.
That stopped here.
“We’ve got a lot of stuff to talk about, Penny, but tomorrow night I want to just enjoy one another. I want us to remember why we started dating in the first place. Why we got married.”
She looked up at him, reached for his hand, squeezed it then stepped back.
Why we should stay married, he wanted to say.
But he didn’t say anything else because he didn’t need to. The look on Penny’s face, the moistness of her eyes, told him that she knew.
That he didn’t have to tell her why tomorrow night was so important.
“You want to watch a movie tonight?”
Her question took him by surprise.
“Yeah,” he said, not able to stop the grin as it hit his face.
“I’d love to.”
Penny’s face softened, visibly relaxed. “My choice or yours?”
“Considering you haven’t been able to pick a movie for the last year, I’m gonna let you have the honor.”