“Thanks?” Vicki repeated, shaking her head. “The last thing I need is thanks! I’ve missed you every day that you’ve been away. Daniel couldn’t have kept me away if he tried.”

“Me neither.”

Penny turned to see Tom behind her, arms held out. She stepped into them, returning the bear hug he offered.

“Hey,” she said, relaxing against him.

“You look good, little miss sergeant” he said with a laugh. “Ready to give up being G.I. Jane yet?”

“You ready for a wife?” she quipped.

She watched as he shot Daniel a look from across the room and then focused soft eyes on her. Eyes that spelled sadness and compassion in one gentle look. “You’ve set the bar too high. How could I find anyone as good as you?”

Tension seemed to swirl through the room. Penny wished it away.

“Champagne,” Vicki announced. “Let’s open a bottle and celebrate.”

Gabby appeared, sidling up against her grandmother.

“What are we celebrating?” she asked.

Penny loved her innocence.

“Your mother arriving home, of course!” Vicki told her, bending to kiss Gabby’s cheek.

Daniel walked over, glaring back at his brother now, as if telling him he wouldn’t be so easily intimidated, not in front of his daughter.

“We’re celebrating the best birthday present ever, Gabby,” Daniel said softly, gaze unwaveringly focused on Penny.

She felt as if it were only the two of them in the room. As if everyone else had disappeared and they were all that was left, alone, the pair of them.

Sweat seemed to clam against her skin, making her flushed and nervous at the same time.

“Your mother coming home is the best gift we could ever have asked for.”

Gabby giggled. The sound, combined with her tiny hands linking around Penny’s leg, burst the bubble Penny had lost herself in. Made her look away from Daniel.

“Thatanda bike, though, right?” she asked.

All the adults in the room laughed, Penny included. A real laugh that came from deep within her belly.

“You’ll just have to wait and see, miss,” Daniel told her.

Gabby tugged Penny forward, resting her head against her thigh.

“I’ve been a really good girl, you know,” she said, eyes wide as she watched her mom.

Penny looked up at Daniel and couldn’t help but smile. Gabby’ tantrum earlier forgotten as if it had never happened. Even though it broke her heart not to be touching him, to be missing out on the casual contact they’d always enjoyed.

Because this child, the daughter they’d made together, was like the glue holding the tender pieces of their life together.

She was the most precious gift in the world. One they’d always share, no matter what.

And she was precisely the reason Penny wished she could forget what Daniel had done and make everything go back to normal.

But she couldn’t forget, and Daniel couldn’t take back what he’d done.

Which meant that Penny had no idea what the hell they were going to do with the mess they’d made of their lives.