Daniel doubted it was the one she’d originally had in mind, but he was grateful she’d agreed. For Penny’s sake.
“Pants?” he called over his shoulder.
“Skirt!” she responded.
He glanced at Penny as she chuckled.
“Is she always like this?” she whispered.
Daniel moved his head slowly from side to side, pleased to have an excuse to bend closer to her. To reduce the physical void between them.
“When you left, I used to joke with my Mom that she was a mini-tyrant. At least once a week. But she hasn’t been like this in ages.”
Penny looked sad. “Has my coming home upset her? Should I have just stayed away until I could come back for good?”
Daniel couldn’t resist touching her then, had to connect with her.
Because she was wrong.
“Penny, you coming home is the best thing that’s happened to us. Don’t go beating yourself up over one temper tantrum thrown by an overtired child.”
She gave him a weak smile.
“But she only seems to want you. It’s like I’ve been made redundant.”
He closed his hand around her shoulder, keeping his touch light when what he really wanted to do was draw her against him and hold her close. To comfort her.
“I’m what she’s been used to this past year,” he said, looking into her eyes. “Once you’re home for good she’ll probably forget all about me within a week.”
“I doubt it,” Penny said.
But the flicker in her eyes told him that she hoped it was at least partly true. She angled her body slightly, as if asking him to remove his hand, but not wanting to shrug it away.
Or maybe she just didn’t want Gabby to see her do it.
Either way, whatever her reasons, he had no intention of making her feel uncomfortable.
But when he took his hand away, his skin was left feeling cold. And he wished he’d had permission to keep it there longer, all night if she’d let him.
“Shall I go and check on dinner? Your family will be here soon.”
Daniel didn’t answer, moved himself away instead, not wanting to crowd her. He turned to Gabby.
“Can Mommy help do your hair while I go do dinner?”
Gabby went to shake her head, but he stared at her, gave her a look that he hoped said that it was time to behave. He could see the defiance gone from her face, the determination of before as good as disappeared.
Gabby sighed, dramatically, more teenager than kid “Okay.”
Daniel was sure Penny’s heart had broken all over again, but he left them to it. No one had ever said this would be easy, but they all had to figure it out. Had to cope.
And right now he had to prepare for seeing his mother and his brother. They might be his family, but they were treating him like the black sheep after what he’d done.
As if he wasn’t beating himself up enough without having them glare at him, too. Without acting like they’d never speak to him again, if it wasn’t for Gabby, because of what he’d done.
Daniel dropped a kiss to Gabby’s head as he passed and resisted the urge to look at Penny again.