Page 48 of My Forever Soldier

“You don’t regret me?”

She shook her head.Never. But there were things she’d have done differently.

It was obviously the response he wanted, what he’d been waiting for. Olivia stifled a moan as he closed his lips over hers, a soft press that had her aching for more, reaching out to hold on to him.

Luke circled his arms about her and pulled her close, one hand pressed firmly into the curve of her back. As the doubts tried to rise, tried to stifle what she wanted so badly to just enjoy, Ollie closed her eyes tighter, savoring the way Luke felt against her. What it was like to be in his arms again.

When he pulled back, he didn’t let go, and Ollie stayed in place, feet planted in the sand. His eyes, brown and honest, stared straight through her, straight to her heart. She reached one hand to trace his face, over the stubble on his handsome jaw, then down his neck and to his chest. It was strong beneath his T-shirt, the cotton doing little to conceal his muscled frame.

“What do you say we stay here the night?” Luke asked, his voice husky.

His question almost took her more by surprise than his kiss had. “What about Charlie?” No matter how good this was, could she actually stay away for a whole night?

“Let’s see how he’s doing,” said Luke, his voice barely more than a whisper as he spoke into her ear.

That deep, throaty voice was enough to sway her. Because if she said yes, then maybe they really could test the waters, see it they could make this work on every level.

“Okay,” she agreed, before she could change her mind.

Leaving Charlie wasn’t something she wanted to do, but if it meant a chance of Mommy and Daddy coming back home a couple again? She doubted he’d mind one night without them.

And maybe this time she’d believe that Luke wanted her, rather than thinking his actions stemmed from some deep-seated sense of duty.

Olivia endedthe call and glanced at Luke. Charlie was fine and Kelly was happy to let him stay over, which meant Ollie had no excuse to change her mind. She looked out the window at the people going past, gazing out toward the water from the room they’d just checked in to.

A noise from behind made her turn. She instantly wished she hadn’t. Luke was pulling his T-shirt off, exposing a serious set of abdominals and a tan to envy. She tried to look the other way, but her eyes just wouldn’t obey her, and she could hardly blame them.

“Thought I’d better scrub up for dinner.” Luke had a big grin on his face as he stepped out of his jeans, as if he knew exactly what he was doing to her, teasing her like that. “Because I’m guessing he’s still doing fine?”

Olivia gulped. It was like trying to swallow an apple. Whole. So she’d phoned home twice already. She was a mom; what did he expect?

Before she could say anything he walked into the bathroom, Wearing only his boxer shorts. The next thing she heard was running water, and steam came billowing out the door a few moments later.

Olivia took the chance to tidy herself. She wound her long hair up into a loose knot, tiddling with some shorter pieces at the front. She pulled some makeup from her handbag and reapplied her foundation, lipstick and mascara.

“You look beautiful.”

Olivia looked up into the mirror. Luke was standing in the doorway to the bathroom.

“Thank you.”

He scrubbed at his head with a white towel before tossing it back into the bathroom. Another towel was tucked low around his waist, meaning she got another eyeful of his body. A tingle ran through her again, telling her that no matter how much she wanted to be careful, to make sure she wasn’t hurt again, saying no to Luke wasn’t going to be an option. Not with his body on display in front of her, reminding her just how much she’d enjoyed being with him...

“What do you say we have fries and calamari down the road, just like old times?”

Olivia nodded, dragging her eyes away from him. “Sounds good to me.” And it would give her longer to swallow some more of her fear.

She turned as Luke dressed. It wasn’t as if she’d never seen him naked, but she didn’t want to ogle him quite that openly yet.

“We’re going to have a great time tonight, Ollie.” Luke dropped a kiss on her head as he passed, fingers skimming her shoulder as he took the towel back into the bathroom.

Tonight. It was a loaded word, could mean so much, and that’s what terrified her. And excited her at the same time. Because she had no idea whether they’d end up talking about the past over dinner, or lying on the beach in one another’s arms again.

Luke stood near the door. “Ready to go?”

She rose and took the hand he offered her. “I think I can already taste those shoestring fries and aioli.

Olivia interlaced her fingers with her husband’s and tried not to think about how hard it would be to lose him again. When she’d finally accepted him back into her life. When she’d finally opened up to trusting him again.