“You still love him.” Her friend’s voice was firm. No nonsense. “You want him back and he doesn’t deserve it.”
“Don’t be ridiculous!” Even as she said it, another flood of heat rushed to her cheeks.
“Come on, Liv.” Kelly put her arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. “You don’t want to let him go. Be honest with yourself. It doesn’t make you weak—it just makes you human.”
Olivia wanted to pull away, but she knew her friend was right. They might have known each other only a couple of years, but two single moms covered a lot of history, and spent a lot of time talking. Olivia was wishing she hadn’t been quite so honest with her friend now that Luke was home, though. All she knew was that he’d left Olivia and Charlie, and Kelly probably hated him for it. She hadn’t known how things had been between them.
“You haven’t given him the divorce papers, have you?” her friend asked, her voice soft and full of concern.
Olivia shook her head. “I tried but…no.”
“It’s your life, Liv, and I’ll support you no matter what. I just don’t want you to get hurt again.”
“It’s just…I...”
Olivia searched for the right words. “Seeing him with Charlie, having him back. It’s tough.” She fought the stinging tears that threatened to spill. “Tougher than I thought it would be, that’s for sure. Just seeing him again has brought it all back, the goodandthe bad. And it wasn’t all his fault, Kel. I have to take some ownership of that.”
Kelly squeezed her around the waist and stepped back. “Just be careful, okay? Promise me that.”
Olivia looked into her friend’s eyes and saw the depth of her concern. She was lucky to have someone looking out for her, and she did appreciate her support. Her words of wisdom, too. Trouble was, unless Olivia walked away from Luke, or plain kicked him out, there was nothing she could do to be careful. She didn’t want to get hurt, either, but it was hard.Impossible. She’d be hurt either way, regardless of how things worked out between them. All she had control over was making sure Charlie didn’t get dragged into the middle of it all.
“You go catch up to him. Call me later. And be strong!”
Olivia dropped one hand to Bec, who had stood quietly at her mom’s side while they chatted, and blew her a kiss before walking away.
“Thanks, Kelly. Love you,” she called back as she followed her boys. Olivia could have all the strength in the world and not be able to fight off Luke Brown. He might have disappeared from her lite these past couple of years, but seeing him again, being with him, had brought it all tumbling back.
Every time they were close, every time they touched, or laughed at something, it reminded her. She’d thought when he came back that she’d want to distance herself from him. That there’d be nothing left between them—no spark, no desire, no longing.
How wrong she’d been.
Because Luke was more than just the father of her child. He’d gotten under her skin again already, and she couldn’t decide whether she wanted to get rid of him or hold on tight and never let him go.
Luke stoodat the entrance to the kitchen, watching Olivia. He’d never stopped thinking about her, even when he’d tried his hardest to block her from his thoughts, but he’d never imagined he’d come back and feel like this. Like he’d do anything to turn back time, to change the way he’d left and the way things had soured between them.
He’d run when he should have stayed and faced their problems like a man, and for that he’d never forgive himself.
“You want me to help?” he asked, not sure what else to say to announce his presence, and not wanting to be caught staring at her.
“Everything’s under control,” she said, glancing up at him under her lashes before looking down again. “But sometimes it does feel like I spend all my life in the kitchen.”
“Well, it smells great.”
Olivia was stirring a pot of something on the stove, and he edged closer to take a look,and to get closer to his wife.After the junk he’d eaten for years, being back here was like eating at a gourmet restaurant each night, and he loved that Olivia was cooking for him.
“Actually, could you call Charlie to the table?” She looked up again, this time connecting with him instead of shying away.
He smiled, wanting her to feel at ease, to let her know that he was as uncertain about what was happening between them as she was. “Sure thing.”
He went to the hallway. “Charlie, dinner’s ready.”
A burst of noise indicated Charlie had heard him. A door banged, followed by his son launching himself down the hall.
“Here,” Charlie said.
“What is it?” Luke asked.
They boy frowned. “A picture.”