My heart beats too quickly. I can feel the thrum in my neck, hear the pounding in my ears.
Without my permission, my eyes return to Henrik. But before they reach him, they catch upon his sister. Brielle sits by Henrik’s side, her hand clenched on her brother’s arm. Her face is twisted with deep empathy. She is heartsick for the brother she cherishes, loving him as desperately as he loves her.
Henrik would give up everything for her, and I would give up everything for him. My eyes drop to the necklace at her throat. Resigned, I turn back to Lawrence and nod.
The king studies me a few seconds longer and then looks at the bishop, gesturing for him to continue. But he seems unsure.
The man clears his throat and begins again, “Today is a blessed day. We are gathered together—”
“Another moment.” Lawrence turns back to me. He works his jaw to the side, studying me like I’m a problem.
I cast a hesitant look at Camellia. As expected, her mouth is pinched, and her nose is so deeply wrinkled, her flaring nostrils are on full display.
Frantically, I whisper to Lawrence, “What are you doing?”
“You will owe me forever,” he answers with a sigh. “Never forget it. You’re beautiful, by the way. Truly.”
Before I can finish the sentence, Lawrence addresses the court. “There are people who wish to stop my marriage, and therefore deception was necessary. Lady Clover, my closest friend, stood in for my intended to protect her identity. Now that we are gathered safely in this room, I can identify her.”
The room erupts in nervous chatter, and I blink at Lawrence, unable to process his words. Camellia stares at us, her face turning red now. Henrik sits next to her, his back suddenly straight.
“Do you have a plan?” I mutter to the reckless king, wrapping my fingers around his wrist and squeezing tightly. “Or are you making this up as you go?”
“I have a plan,” he answers under his breath. “I concocted it thirty seconds ago.”
“It’s too dangerous!” I hiss, my eyes moving to Brielle’s necklace again. “Lawrence!”
He scans the crowd, apparently looking for his mystery bride. Suddenly, his eyes alight on one of our guests. I follow his gaze, sucking in a breath when I realize who he’s chosen.
“The hidden heir to the Ferradelle dukedom is in our midst,” Lawrence says, growing more confident. “And with him, his cousin—the woman who is the key to uniting our people.”
She’s going to kill him.
Lawrence extends his hand. “Audra Lea’ess Laviet, my beautiful betrothed, join me. Together, we will bring peace to Caldenbauer.”
Audra stares at him from her spot in the crowd, murder glittering in her eyes. Beside her, Ayan looks amused by the turn of events. He whispers something and nudges her out of her seat.
People turn to gawk at the High Vale elf Lawrence suddenly announced will be our next queen, but the moment Camellia stands, it’s the princess who commands the room’s attention.
The hall falls silent.
“I don’t approve,” Camellia says, her lilting voice at odds with the rage in her eyes.
“Of course you don’t,” Lawrence answers. “You’re one of those who would have opposed the union.”
“Lawrence,” I gasp.
Camellia smiles. “You will marry Lady Clover, as we discussed.”
“We discussed nothing, and I do not take orders from the previous duchess of Ferradelle.”
“Previous?” she asks coolly.
“I’m stripping you of your title. You will remain in Cabaranth and live out the rest of your years in a cell.”
Our guests watch, their mouths parted with surprise and their eyes owlishly round.